30-01-2007, 10:32 PM
Hi guys, im rm2kdev aka ryan
Ive been using mirage for a long time
but ive never posted anything i lernt alot of things from these forums and the old ones and the ones before that
lol so i figure its my turn to give something back um this is my first tutorial ever
for anything so pls dont flame =D
Okay here goes
This tutorial is designed for IOCP, easly changeable to Winsock
Difficulty 3\5
Download and install the Zlib Library from Verrigan Zlib Compression Tutorial
Create the Zlib Module Also From Verrigans Zlib Compression Tutorial in the Server and Client Projects
Now heres the masterful part i did some testing and found out with zlib compression on every packet you send you actually use MORE bandwidth than u would without it because a small ammount of data being compressed isnot compressed very well so your actually sending the small ammount of compressed data in the compression table which increases the size of small packets
, what i have done is gone through mirage and created a system that lets me compress "cirtain" packets e.g the mapdata userdata and npcdata dramaticallly increasing speed.
Now Find the ModServerTCP: and replace
Sub SendDataTo(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Data As String) with
What this does is allows you to optionally compress the data with a header packet so its identifyable at the client side because we dont want to compress everypacet we only want to compress packets above hrmmmz maby 1000bytes (cough mapdata was roughly 8000bytes on a virgin mirage definatly not good
Now thats all for the Server Lets move onto the CLIENT: =D
Find Sub IncomingData(ByVal DataLength As Long)
and replace it with
What this does it checks for the ¿ at the start of the packet then removes it rember ¿ defines the packet as compressed then once it has realised that the packet it is dealing with is compressed it does the appropriate Decompression then handles it as normal
Now the last stage Server:
In all of these replace the SendDataTo(Index,Packet) with
SendDataTo(Index, Packet, 1)
Sub SendMap()
Sub SendJoinMap()
Sub SendInventory()
Sub SendClasses()
Sub SendNewCharClasses()
Sub SendEditItemTo()
Sub SendEditNpcTo()
Sub SendEditShopTo()
Sub EditSpellTo()
Sub SendChars()
And Thats It =D
I Hope u guys enjoy this tutorial
Ps. Please mind my spelling (english is my first and only language haha just never botherd lerning it well =D XD)
Oh one quick expansion
Server: This is optional
U can put 3 labels on your server
and in your servers senddatato you can replace
Then in lblCompressed and lblUncompresseds Change sub
put in
This shows you How much data would have been sent (uncompressed)
shows your how much data has been sent (compressed)
and the Total Percentage of compression
From my experiances - 1 player loading a map uses 8000bytes of data (8kb) just to load 1 map now if u x that by how many players u have this is how much bandwidth that is being waisted.
However when the data is compressed the map is only 600 - 1000bytes (depending on the map / mapsize ect) when u timmes 600 x ammount of players the ammount of data being sent is muchmuch less this reduces latency and bandwidth consumption
A small feature u can also do is monitor the ammount of total data sent
Dim TotalBytes as byte
TotalBytes = TotalBytes + lenb(data)
TotalBytes = TotalBytes / 1000 'Converts bytes to kilabytes
and create a bandwidth limet on the server
if TotalBytes => 100000 then '100mb
'Message Everyone
'ShutDown server
end if
This is useful if the person hosting ur server doesnt want u to use more than Xkb of data a month ^__^ :p might annoy your players tho hahahaha but just an example
Cheers, Ryan ^__^ rm2kdev
Just a quick Edit
You can use LenB(Data) > 800 0 (0.8kb) insted of using the optional Compresion tag this will let the server decide what data to compress rather than u setting it with the 1
Ive been using mirage for a long time

Okay here goes
This tutorial is designed for IOCP, easly changeable to Winsock
Difficulty 3\5
Download and install the Zlib Library from Verrigan Zlib Compression Tutorial
Create the Zlib Module Also From Verrigans Zlib Compression Tutorial in the Server and Client Projects
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (hpvDest As Any, hpvSource As Any, ByVal cbCopy As Long)
Private Declare Function ZCompress Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "compress" (dest As Any, destLen As Any, src As Any, ByVal srcLen As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ZUncompress Lib "zlib.dll" Alias "uncompress" (dest As Any, destLen As Any, src As Any, ByVal srcLen As Long) As Long
Public Function Compress(Data, Optional Key)
Dim lKey As Long 'original size
Dim sTmp As String 'string buffer
Dim bData() As Byte 'data buffer
Dim bRet() As Byte 'output buffer
Dim lCSz As Long 'compressed size
If TypeName(Data) = "Byte()" Then 'if given byte array data
bData = Data 'copy to data buffer
ElseIf TypeName(Data) = "String" Then 'if given string data
If Len(Data) > 0 Then 'if there is data
sTmp = Data 'copy to string buffer
ReDim bData(Len(sTmp) - 1) 'allocate data buffer
CopyMemory bData(0), ByVal sTmp, Len(sTmp) 'copy to data buffer
sTmp = vbNullString 'deallocate string buffer
End If
End If
If StrPtr(bData) 0 Then 'if data buffer contains data
lKey = UBound(bData) + 1 'get data size
lCSz = lKey + (lKey * 0.01) + 12 'estimate compressed size
ReDim bRet(lCSz - 1) 'allocate output buffer
Call ZCompress(bRet(0), lCSz, bData(0), lKey) 'compress data (lCSz returns actual size)
ReDim Preserve bRet(lCSz - 1) 'resize output buffer to actual size
Erase bData 'deallocate data buffer
If IsMissing(Key) Then 'if Key variable not supplied
ReDim bData(lCSz + 3) 'allocate data buffer
CopyMemory bData(0), lKey, 4 'copy key to buffer
CopyMemory bData(4), bRet(0), lCSz 'copy data to buffer
Erase bRet 'deallocate output buffer
bRet = bData 'copy to output buffer
Erase bData 'deallocate data buffer
Else 'Key variable is supplied
Key = lKey 'set Key variable
End If
If TypeName(Data) = "Byte()" Then 'if given byte array data
Compress = bRet 'return output buffer
ElseIf TypeName(Data) = "String" Then 'if given string data
sTmp = Space(UBound(bRet) + 1) 'allocate string buffer
CopyMemory ByVal sTmp, bRet(0), UBound(bRet) + 1 'copy to string buffer
Compress = sTmp 'return string buffer
sTmp = vbNullString 'deallocate string buffer
End If
Erase bRet 'deallocate output buffer
End If
End Function
Public Function Uncompress(Data, Optional ByVal Key)
Dim lKey As Long 'original size
Dim sTmp As String 'string buffer
Dim bData() As Byte 'data buffer
Dim bRet() As Byte 'output buffer
Dim lCSz As Long 'compressed size
If TypeName(Data) = "Byte()" Then 'if given byte array data
bData = Data 'copy to data buffer
ElseIf TypeName(Data) = "String" Then 'if given string data
If Len(Data) > 0 Then 'if there is data
sTmp = Data 'copy to string buffer
ReDim bData(Len(sTmp) - 1) 'allocate data buffer
CopyMemory bData(0), ByVal sTmp, Len(sTmp) 'copy to data buffer
sTmp = vbNullString 'deallocate string buffer
End If
End If
If StrPtr(bData) 0 Then 'if there is data
If IsMissing(Key) Then 'if Key variable not supplied
lCSz = UBound(bData) - 3 'get actual data size
CopyMemory lKey, bData(0), 4 'copy key value to key
ReDim bRet(lCSz - 1) 'allocate output buffer
CopyMemory bRet(0), bData(4), lCSz 'copy data to output buffer
Erase bData 'deallocate data buffer
bData = bRet 'copy to data buffer
Erase bRet 'deallocate output buffer
Else 'Key variable is supplied
lCSz = UBound(bData) + 1 'get data size
lKey = Key 'get Key
End If
ReDim bRet(lKey - 1) 'allocate output buffer
Call ZUncompress(bRet(0), lKey, bData(0), lCSz) 'decompress to output buffer
Erase bData 'deallocate data buffer
If TypeName(Data) = "Byte()" Then 'if given byte array data
Uncompress = bRet 'return output buffer
ElseIf TypeName(Data) = "String" Then 'if given string data
sTmp = Space(lKey) 'allocate string buffer
CopyMemory ByVal sTmp, bRet(0), lKey 'copy to string buffer
Uncompress = sTmp 'return string buffer
sTmp = vbNullString 'deallocate string buffer
End If
Erase bRet 'deallocate return buffer
End If
End Function
Now heres the masterful part i did some testing and found out with zlib compression on every packet you send you actually use MORE bandwidth than u would without it because a small ammount of data being compressed isnot compressed very well so your actually sending the small ammount of compressed data in the compression table which increases the size of small packets

Now Find the ModServerTCP: and replace
Sub SendDataTo(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Data As String) with
Sub SendDataTo(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Data As String, Optional Compressed As Integer)
Dim dbytes() As Byte
Dim DataTemp As String
If Compressed = 1 Then
Data = Compress(Data)
DataTemp = "¿" & Data
Data = DataTemp
End If
dbytes = StrConv(Data, vbFromUnicode)
If IsConnected(Index) Then
GameServer.Sockets.Item(Index).WriteBytes dbytes
End If
End Sub
What this does is allows you to optionally compress the data with a header packet so its identifyable at the client side because we dont want to compress everypacet we only want to compress packets above hrmmmz maby 1000bytes (cough mapdata was roughly 8000bytes on a virgin mirage definatly not good

Now thats all for the Server Lets move onto the CLIENT: =D
Find Sub IncomingData(ByVal DataLength As Long)
and replace it with
Sub IncomingData(ByVal DataLength As Long)
Dim Buffer As String
Dim Buffer2 As String
Dim Parse() As String
Dim Packet As String
Dim top As String * 3
Dim Start As Integer
frmMirage.Socket.GetData Buffer, vbString, DataLength
If Left$(Buffer, 1) = "¿" Then
Buffer = Mid(Buffer, 2, Len(Buffer) - 2)
Buffer = Uncompress(Buffer)
End If
PlayerBuffer = PlayerBuffer & Buffer
Start = InStr(PlayerBuffer, END_CHAR)
Do While Start > 0
Packet = Mid(PlayerBuffer, 1, Start - 1)
PlayerBuffer = Mid(PlayerBuffer, Start + 1, Len(PlayerBuffer))
Start = InStr(PlayerBuffer, END_CHAR)
If Len(Packet) > 0 Then
Call HandleData(Packet)
End If
End Sub
What this does it checks for the ¿ at the start of the packet then removes it rember ¿ defines the packet as compressed then once it has realised that the packet it is dealing with is compressed it does the appropriate Decompression then handles it as normal
Now the last stage Server:
In all of these replace the SendDataTo(Index,Packet) with
SendDataTo(Index, Packet, 1)
Sub SendMap()
Sub SendJoinMap()
Sub SendInventory()
Sub SendClasses()
Sub SendNewCharClasses()
Sub SendEditItemTo()
Sub SendEditNpcTo()
Sub SendEditShopTo()
Sub EditSpellTo()
Sub SendChars()
And Thats It =D
I Hope u guys enjoy this tutorial
Ps. Please mind my spelling (english is my first and only language haha just never botherd lerning it well =D XD)
Oh one quick expansion
Server: This is optional
U can put 3 labels on your server
and in your servers senddatato you can replace
If Compressed = 1 Then
Data = Compress(Data)
DataTemp = "¿" & Data
Data = DataTemp
End If
If Compressed = 1 Then
frmServer.lblUncompresed.Caption = frmServer.lblUC.Caption + (LenB(Data) / 1000)
Data = Compress(Data)
DataTemp = "¿" & Data
Data = DataTemp
frmServer.lblCompressed.Caption = frmServer.lblC.Caption + (LenB(Data) / 1000)
End If
Then in lblCompressed and lblUncompresseds Change sub
put in
On Error Resume Next
lblPercent.Caption = Int(100 - ((lblC.Caption / lblUC.Caption) * 100)) & "%"
This shows you How much data would have been sent (uncompressed)
shows your how much data has been sent (compressed)
and the Total Percentage of compression
From my experiances - 1 player loading a map uses 8000bytes of data (8kb) just to load 1 map now if u x that by how many players u have this is how much bandwidth that is being waisted.
However when the data is compressed the map is only 600 - 1000bytes (depending on the map / mapsize ect) when u timmes 600 x ammount of players the ammount of data being sent is muchmuch less this reduces latency and bandwidth consumption
A small feature u can also do is monitor the ammount of total data sent
Dim TotalBytes as byte
TotalBytes = TotalBytes + lenb(data)
TotalBytes = TotalBytes / 1000 'Converts bytes to kilabytes
and create a bandwidth limet on the server
if TotalBytes => 100000 then '100mb
'Message Everyone
'ShutDown server
end if
This is useful if the person hosting ur server doesnt want u to use more than Xkb of data a month ^__^ :p might annoy your players tho hahahaha but just an example
Cheers, Ryan ^__^ rm2kdev
Just a quick Edit
If LenB(Data) > 800 Then
frmServer.lblUC.Caption = frmServer.lblUC.Caption + (LenB(Data) / 1000)
Data = Compress(Data)
DataTemp = "¿" & Data
Data = DataTemp
frmServer.lblC.Caption = frmServer.lblC.Caption + (LenB(Data) / 1000)
End If
You can use LenB(Data) > 800 0 (0.8kb) insted of using the optional Compresion tag this will let the server decide what data to compress rather than u setting it with the 1