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Map Converter, PW to MS
Originally Posted By MisUnderstood
Well I was wondering how to do this myself and I just thought I would share. Though I'm not sure what shannara will think of this since I *think* he has some kinda job with pw, well not a job but ya know... So I wouldn't be too surprised if you delete it.

Well anyway I'm just gonna tell you how to convert to a normal ms rec. Nothing more.
This method works without even knowing the whole pw rec, I think I have it, but I don't know if it would be right to post it so I wont. Its not necessary anyway.

Anyway this is the normal msrec

Type TileRec
    Ground As Integer
    Mask As Integer
    Anim As Integer
    Fringe As Integer
    Type As Byte
    Data1 As Integer
    Data2 As Integer
    Data3 As Integer
End Type

Type MapRec
    Name As String * 20
    Revision As Long
    Moral As Byte
    Up As Integer
    Down As Integer
    Left As Integer
    Right As Integer
    Music As Byte
    BootMap As Integer
    BootX As Byte
    BootY As Byte
    Shop As Byte
    Indoors As Byte
    Tile(0 To 15, 0 To 11) As TileRec
    Npc(1 To 5) As Byte
End Type

Heres is the sub I use to convert it, well I don't use this exact sub, but this works.

[code]Public Sub ConvertToMS(ByVal filename As String)
Dim f As Integer
Dim NewMap As MapRec
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
Dim TempByte as byte

f = FreeFile
With NewMap
Open filename For Binary As #f
Get #f, , .Name
Get #f, , .Revision
Get #f, , .Moral
If .Moral > 1 Then 'Since MS does not have an arena or savage land(I think thats the name of it)
.Moral = 0
End If
Get #f, , .Up
Get #f, , .Down
Get #f, , .Left
Get #f, , .Right
Get #f, , .Music
Get #f, , .BootMap
Get #f, , .BootX
Get #f, , .BootY
Get #f, , .Shop
Get #f, , .Indoors
For x = 0 To 15
For y = 0 To 11
Get #f, , .Tile(x, y)
if .Tile(x,y).Type = 10 Then
.Tile(x,y).Type = 2 'In pw, 10 is the number for the warppoint, which is like warpdoor, only different somehow
'So i'm just changing it to the only one warp Ms has, which is good enough
ElseIf .Tile(x,y).Type > 6 Then 'These don't exist in MS, see the bottom of the tutorial for more information.
.Tile(x,y).type = 0
.Tile(x,y).data1 = 0
.Tile(x,y).data2 = 0
.Tile(x,y).data3 = 0
End If
Next y
Next x
For x = 1 To 14
if x
Can this be considered up to date with the lastest PW?
omg :O 2 servers? one for maps and one for other stuff :O that would be awsome lol....
what? theres a server and a client rec because they are both different with pw.
Gilgamesch Wrote:omg :O 2 servers? one for maps and one for other stuff :O that would be awsome lol....

Lol. What are you taking Gilgamesch xD

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