01-06-2006, 09:29 PM
Author: funkynut
Difficulty: 1/5
This will make door tile that acts like a key tile surrounded by key open tiles.
In modTypes, add:
In modGameLogic, in sub PlayerMove, find:Replace with:At the bottom of Sub PlayerMove, after the key open stuff, add:In modGeneral, in sub GameAI, find:Replace with:
In modGameLogic, in Sub GameLoop, find:Beneath it, add:Now, replace the entire CanMove function with:Find:Beneath it, add:Finally, in the map editor add an option button called optDoor and you're finished.
Difficulty: 1/5
This will make door tile that acts like a key tile surrounded by key open tiles.
In modTypes, add:
Public Const TILE_TYPE_DOOR = 16
In modGameLogic, in sub PlayerMove, find:
Select Case Dir
' Check to make sure not outside of boundries
If GetPlayerY(Index) > 0 Then
' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1) = YES) Then
Call SetPlayerY(Index, GetPlayerY(Index) - 1)
packet = "PLAYERMOVE" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerX(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerY(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerDir(Index) & SEP_CHAR & Movement & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToMapBut(Index, GetPlayerMap(Index), packet)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
' Check to see if we can move them to the another map
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Up > 0 Then
Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Up, GetPlayerX(Index), MAX_MAPY)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
{..DIR_LEFT and DIR_DOWN stuff were here.}
' Check to make sure not outside of boundries
If GetPlayerX(Index) < MAX_MAPX Then
' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)) = YES) Then
Call SetPlayerX(Index, GetPlayerX(Index) + 1)
packet = "PLAYERMOVE" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerX(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerY(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerDir(Index) & SEP_CHAR & Movement & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToMapBut(Index, GetPlayerMap(Index), packet)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
' Check to see if we can move them to the another map
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Right > 0 Then
Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Right, 0, GetPlayerY(Index))
Moved = YES
End If
End If
End Select
Select Case Dir
' Check to make sure not outside of boundries
If GetPlayerY(Index) > 0 Then
' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) - 1) = YES) Then
' Check to see if the tile is a door and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) - 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_DOOR Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) - 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index) - 1, GetPlayerY(Index)) = YES) Then
Call SetPlayerY(Index, GetPlayerY(Index) - 1)
packet = "PLAYERMOVE" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerX(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerY(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerDir(Index) & SEP_CHAR & Movement & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToMapBut(Index, GetPlayerMap(Index), packet)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
End If
' Check to see if we can move them to the another map
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Up > 0 Then
Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Up, GetPlayerX(Index), MAX_MAPY)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
' Check to make sure not outside of boundries
If GetPlayerY(Index) < MAX_MAPY Then
' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + 1).Type TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + 1).Type TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + 1) = YES) Then
' Check to see if the tile is a door and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + 1).Type TILE_TYPE_DOOR Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index) + 1) = YES) Then
Call SetPlayerY(Index, GetPlayerY(Index) + 1)
packet = "PLAYERMOVE" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerX(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerY(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerDir(Index) & SEP_CHAR & Movement & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToMapBut(Index, GetPlayerMap(Index), packet)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
End If
' Check to see if we can move them to the another map
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Down > 0 Then
Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Down, GetPlayerX(Index), 0)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
' Check to make sure not outside of boundries
If GetPlayerX(Index) > 0 Then
' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) - 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) - 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) - 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index) - 1, GetPlayerY(Index)) = YES) Then
' Check to see if the tile is a door and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index - x), GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_DOOR Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index) - 1, GetPlayerY(Index) + 1) = YES) Then
Call SetPlayerX(Index, GetPlayerX(Index) - 1)
packet = "PLAYERMOVE" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerX(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerY(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerDir(Index) & SEP_CHAR & Movement & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToMapBut(Index, GetPlayerMap(Index), packet)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
End If
' Check to see if we can move them to the another map
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Left > 0 Then
Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Left, MAX_MAPX, GetPlayerY(Index))
Moved = YES
End If
End If
' Check to make sure not outside of boundries
If GetPlayerX(Index) < MAX_MAPX Then
' Check to make sure that the tile is walkable
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
' Check to see if the tile is a key and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_KEY Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)) = YES) Then
' Check to see if the tile is a door and if it is check if its opened
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type TILE_TYPE_DOOR Or (Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(GetPlayerX(Index) + 1, GetPlayerY(Index)) = YES) Then
Call SetPlayerX(Index, GetPlayerX(Index) + 1)
packet = "PLAYERMOVE" & SEP_CHAR & Index & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerX(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerY(Index) & SEP_CHAR & GetPlayerDir(Index) & SEP_CHAR & Movement & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR
Call SendDataToMapBut(Index, GetPlayerMap(Index), packet)
Moved = YES
End If
End If
End If
' Check to see if we can move them to the another map
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Right > 0 Then
Call PlayerWarp(Index, Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Right, 0, GetPlayerY(Index))
Moved = YES
End If
End If
End Select
' ///////////////////////
' //check for door tile//
x = GetPlayerX(Index)
y = GetPlayerY(Index)
'check if doors on players left
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(x - 1, y).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(x - 1, y) = NO Then
TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(x - 1, y) = YES
TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorTimer = GetTickCount
Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "MAPKEY" & SEP_CHAR & x - 1 & SEP_CHAR & y & SEP_CHAR & 1 & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), "A door has been unlocked.", White)
End If
'check if doors on players right
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(x + 1, y).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(x + 1, y) = NO Then
TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(x + 1, y) = YES
TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorTimer = GetTickCount
Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "MAPKEY" & SEP_CHAR & x + 1 & SEP_CHAR & y & SEP_CHAR & 1 & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), "A door has been unlocked.", White)
End If
'check if doors above player
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(x, y - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(x, y - 1) = NO Then
TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(x, y - 1) = YES
TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorTimer = GetTickCount
Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "MAPKEY" & SEP_CHAR & x & SEP_CHAR & y - 1 & SEP_CHAR & 1 & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), "A door has been unlocked.", White)
End If
'check of doors below player
If Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Tile(x, y + 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR And TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(x, y + 1) = NO Then
TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorOpen(x, y + 1) = YES
TempTile(GetPlayerMap(Index)).DoorTimer = GetTickCount
Call SendDataToMap(GetPlayerMap(Index), "MAPKEY" & SEP_CHAR & x & SEP_CHAR & y + 1 & SEP_CHAR & 1 & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
Call MapMsg(GetPlayerMap(Index), "A door has been unlocked.", White)
End If
If Map(y).Tile(x1, y1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY
If Map(y).Tile(x1, y1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY or tile_type_door
In modGameLogic, in Sub GameLoop, find:
If .Type = TILE_TYPE_MESSAGE Then Call DrawText(TexthDC, x * PIC_X + 8, y * PIC_Y + 8, "M", QBColor(Yellow))
If .Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR Then Call DrawText(TexthDC, x * PIC_X + 8, y * PIC_Y + 8, "D", QBColor(Pink))
Function CanMove() As Boolean
Dim i As Long, d As Long
CanMove = True
' Make sure they aren't trying to move when they are already moving
If Player(MyIndex).Moving 0 Then
CanMove = False
Exit Function
End If
' Make sure they haven't just casted a spell
If Player(MyIndex).CastedSpell = YES Then
If GetTickCount > Player(MyIndex).AttackTimer + 1000 Then
Player(MyIndex).CastedSpell = NO
CanMove = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
d = GetPlayerDir(MyIndex)
If DirUp Then
Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_UP)
' Check to see if they are trying to go out of bounds
If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) > 0 Then
' Check to see if the map tile is blocked or not
If Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_UP Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
' Check to see if the key door is open or not
If Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY Or Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR Then
' This actually checks if its open or not
If TempTile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1).DoorOpen = NO Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_UP Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Check to see if a player is already on that tile
For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS
If IsPlaying(i) Then
If GetPlayerMap(i) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then
If (GetPlayerX(i) = GetPlayerX(MyIndex)) And (GetPlayerY(i) = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1) Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_UP Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
Next i
' Check to see if a npc is already on that tile
For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS
If MapNpc(i).Num > 0 Then
If (MapNpc(i).x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex)) And (MapNpc(i).y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - 1) Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_UP Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
' Check if they can warp to a new map
If Map.Up > 0 Then
Call SendPlayerRequestNewMap
GettingMap = True
End If
CanMove = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
If DirDown Then
Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_DOWN)
' Check to see if they are trying to go out of bounds
If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) < MAX_MAPY Then
' Check to see if the map tile is blocked or not
If Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_DOWN Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
' Check to see if the key door is open or not
If Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY Or Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR Then
' This actually checks if its open or not
If TempTile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex), GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1).DoorOpen = NO Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_DOWN Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Check to see if a player is already on that tile
For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS
If IsPlaying(i) And GetPlayerMap(i) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then
If (GetPlayerX(i) = GetPlayerX(MyIndex)) And (GetPlayerY(i) = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1) Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_DOWN Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
' Check to see if a npc is already on that tile
For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS
If MapNpc(i).Num > 0 Then
If (MapNpc(i).x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex)) And (MapNpc(i).y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) + 1) Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_DOWN Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
' Check if they can warp to a new map
If Map.Down > 0 Then
Call SendPlayerRequestNewMap
GettingMap = True
End If
CanMove = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
If DirLeft Then
Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_LEFT)
' Check to see if they are trying to go out of bounds
If GetPlayerX(MyIndex) > 0 Then
' Check to see if the map tile is blocked or not
If Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1, GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_LEFT Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
' Check to see if the key door is open or not
If Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1, GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY Or Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1, GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR Then
' This actually checks if its open or not
If TempTile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1, GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).DoorOpen = NO Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_LEFT Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Check to see if a player is already on that tile
For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS
If IsPlaying(i) And GetPlayerMap(i) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then
If (GetPlayerX(i) = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1) And (GetPlayerY(i) = GetPlayerY(MyIndex)) Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_LEFT Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
' Check to see if a npc is already on that tile
For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS
If MapNpc(i).Num > 0 Then
If (MapNpc(i).x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - 1) And (MapNpc(i).y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex)) Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
If d DIR_LEFT Then
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
' Check if they can warp to a new map
If Map.Left > 0 Then
Call SendPlayerRequestNewMap
GettingMap = True
End If
CanMove = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
If DirRight Then
Call SetPlayerDir(MyIndex, DIR_RIGHT)
' Check to see if they are trying to go out of bounds
If GetPlayerX(MyIndex) < MAX_MAPX Then
' Check to see if the map tile is blocked or not
If Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1, GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
' Check to see if the key door is open or not
If Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1, GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY Or Map.Tile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1, GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).Type = TILE_TYPE_DOOR Then
' This actually checks if its open or not
If TempTile(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1, GetPlayerY(MyIndex)).DoorOpen = NO Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
' Check to see if a player is already on that tile
For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS
If IsPlaying(i) And GetPlayerMap(i) = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) Then
If (GetPlayerX(i) = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1) And (GetPlayerY(i) = GetPlayerY(MyIndex)) Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
' Check to see if a npc is already on that tile
For i = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS
If MapNpc(i).Num > 0 Then
If (MapNpc(i).x = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) + 1) And (MapNpc(i).y = GetPlayerY(MyIndex)) Then
CanMove = False
' Set the new direction if they weren't facing that direction
Call SendPlayerDir
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next i
' Check if they can warp to a new map
If Map.Right > 0 Then
Call SendPlayerRequestNewMap
GettingMap = True
End If
CanMove = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
If frmMirage.optKeyOpen.Value = True Then
.Data1 = KeyOpenEditorX
.Data2 = KeyOpenEditorY
.Data3 = 0
End If
If frmMirage.Optdoor.Value = True Then
.Data1 = 0
.Data2 = 0
.Data3 = 0
End If