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Reboot Your Server Remotely - Source
I wasn't really sure where to post this, because it both is and isn't MS... i used the MS base and removed everythign else so i could write this a bit faster, but it technically isn't mirage...

Anyways, this program allows you to start a very small app. on your server computer, and if your server ever crashes, you can use the RemoteClient to restart your sever.

Readme is included so you can set it up yourself (includes the source code).

Only requirement is that you MUST in some way, give credit to the MS Community if you use it (e.g., post it in your credits in your game/engine/whatever)


I'd also like to point out that this isn't the most secure way of doing it... i probably could have added a password function and a few other things to keep people from restarting your server for you (if they have the RemoteRestartClient, they IP address, and the port number, they'd be able to restart your sever... not that it would really effect anything, except for your server going down for 10-60 seconds depending on your servers load time...) but i'll leave the password part up to you. Smile
actually it would be a way to dupe items if they were able to do that as it wont save the character data if it crashes the server
How so? Drop it and wait for the map to save? :wink:
wouldn't it be possible to work the remote app into the mirage client?
you would to have a secondary connection option but you can also use
the players own account info and if their access isn't high enough just
fail the attempt

just an idea for anyone who wants to try it out
Or just hide the information for the server restart, unless the player is a high enough access. That way, you won't have to deal with noobs packet hacking to do it.
yeah and i thought about doing it that way to begin with.

this just made it easier so it would be more efficient even for people who really didn't understand how to code, but needed it for their games.
Wow, now when I actually tryed it out. It seems to be a very good program to use Smile
Thanks Will Big Grin
i only suggested integrating the two clients not the servers..
but hey no worries..
It's nothing personal spoon, just the way i chose to do it. Your way would work just fine too.
Compile Error on the Server Side...

Function IsLoggedIn(ByVal Index As Long) As Boolean
    If IsConnected(Index) And Trim(Player(Index) [b].Login[/b] )  "" Then
        IsLoggedIn = True
        IsLoggedIn = False
    End If
End Function

Quote:Compile Error:

Method of data Member not Found

Whats the problem here? I made all the required changes Smile
Hmmm... that's odd... where is it saying "method or data member not found" what specifically? The Player(index).Login part? Please be a bit more specific and i can help you fix it...
This bit:

(Player(Index) .Login ) "" Then

The Bold doesn't work in the [code]...sorry
oh... well it should be working. i'll download the link copy only and test it to make sure i didn't make any mistakes. I'll reupload tomorrow (i don't have access to my main PC... my grandparents are staying in my room for a bit Cry )
Look, I'll also try again, and see if it does work the 2nd time...but, I thought I ddi everything right?

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