14-10-2006, 04:37 PM
Tutorial By: DarkX
Codes Tested on: MS3.0.3.;MS3.0.7. and MSE They all worked
Ok I was getting annoyed with havingto re-edit the code in each thing, when I added a new layer or attribute, so I decided to write up a code that makes it so you only have to use one of the buttons.
This is the code for 1 fill button for both attribute and layers.
Also I made a code that makes use of only using one cmdClear button, the code is rather simple, here it is.
Most of you are probably saying, how stupid is that, if you don't like it don't use it, if you feel free.
Codes Tested on: MS3.0.3.;MS3.0.7. and MSE They all worked
Ok I was getting annoyed with havingto re-edit the code in each thing, when I added a new layer or attribute, so I decided to write up a code that makes it so you only have to use one of the buttons.
Private Sub cmdFill_Click()
Dim Y As Long
Dim X As Long
X = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to fill the map?", vbYesNo)
If X = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If
If optAttribs.Value = False Then
For Y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
For X = 0 To MAX_MAPX
With Map.Tile(X, Y)
If optGround.Value = True Then .Ground = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
If optMask.Value = True Then .Mask = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
If optAnim.Value = True Then .Anim = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
If optMask2.Value = True Then .Mask2 = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
If optM2Anim.Value = True Then .M2Anim = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
If optFringe.Value = True Then .Fringe = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
If optFAnim.Value = True Then .FAnim = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
If optFringe2.Value = True Then .Fringe2 = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
If optF2Anim.Value = True Then .F2Anim = EditorTileY * 14 + EditorTileX
End With
Next X
Next Y
For Y = 0 To MAX_MAPY
For X = 0 To MAX_MAPX
With Map.Tile(X, Y)
If frmMirage.optBlocked.Value = True Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_BLOCKED
If frmMirage.optWarp.Value = True Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_WARP
If frmMirage.optKill.Value = True Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_KILL
If frmMirage.optItem.Value = True Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_ITEM
If frmMirage.optHeal.Value = True Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_HEAL
If frmMirage.optNpcAvoid.Value = True Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_NPCAVOID
If frmMirage.optKey.Value = True Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_KEY
If frmMirage.optKeyOpen.Value = True Then .Type = TILE_TYPE_KEYOPEN
End With
Next X
Next Y
End If
End Sub
Also I made a code that makes use of only using one cmdClear button, the code is rather simple, here it is.
Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
If optAttribs.Value = False Then
Call EditorClearLayer
Call EditorClearAttribs
End If
End Sub