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Websocket/C# Server
I've started work on a JS/Websocket game with a c# server.

I put up a proof of concept here:

Currently only working in chrome because it's a very very early prototype.

If you can't move with the arrow keys, enter a chat message and hit enter. A small bug that is fixed in my local code. My current build isn't ready to be uploaded yet.
Not bad, it works Tongue
Nice, looking good! How do you find working with Websockets in C#? The only experience I have with them is Node.js but they seemed pretty sweet from what I saw!

Keep on going with this! Smile
I found a websocket server to work off of.

The websocket implementation was easy to hook into. If you're interested in code, just send me a message.
Nice Smile Are you using for the client side, or is there a .NET library for that? I must admit I'm not familiar with ASP.NET and I haven't checked out C# in ages.
Right now I'm just using the js socket object directly. I suck at js, so i'm just 'hacking' that all together so it works, lol.

The actual server is a console app and separated from

The maps are also proceduraly generated right now, fun stuff.
Ah I see! Procedural generation is amazing.

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