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Mirage Basics: Setting up a server
Reference: viewtopic.php?f=183&t=6042

Mirage Basics: Part 1 - Setting up a server

This tutorial is the first part in a series of tutorials walking you through how to set up Mirage and get a game online and working.

This tutorial will do the following:
  • 1.0 Help you set up Visual Basic and get the latest copy of Mirage Source.
  • 2.0 Help you change the IP of the client and set up port forwarding.
  • 3.0 Help you package up your game and get your friends to connect and play.

1.0: Setting up Visual Basic and loading up Mirage's source.

First of all, you need a copy of Visual Basic 6.0. This is the programming language Mirage Source uses. You need the official IDE to be able to work with Visual Basic 6.0. Microsoft no longer developers or publishes this software, and as thus it can be considered abandonware, as the only places you can purchase this software is at junk markets and eBay.

Now, you need a copy of Mirage Source. The latest version is recommended.


Install Visual Basic 6.0, restart your computer, then unrar your copy of Mirage Source.

You should now have access to the Client's data and source files, as well as the Server's data and source files.

If you go into the server folder, you should see a few folders and Server.vbp. This is a Visual Basic 6.0 Project File. This stores all the information about the project, as well as links to all the forms, modules and classes which are used in the program. Loading this file in Visual Basic 6.0 should load up like this.

[Image: server1_TB.png]

Now, we really don't need to need to edit this source right now. First, we want to create the server's .exe file, which will load up the server. To do this, go to 'File -> Make Server.exe'.

[Image: make_TB.png]

Doing the same with the Client's .vbp file will give you two parts of Mirage. The server, which you should keep and run on your own computer, and the client, which anyone who wants to play the game needs a copy of.

2.0: Changing the Client's IP, and port forwarding.

For players to connect to your server, you need to have it running, so load it up!

[Image: server_exe1_TB.png]

Now, you need to put your IP into the client so it knows which computer to connect to. To do so, we're going to load up the Client.vbp file. Do so now, and press 'Ctrl + R'. Once you've done this, you'll see a 'Project Explorer' panel on the far right hand side of the IDE. Expand all the nodes, and double click 'modConstants.bas'.

[Image: client_ip_TB.png]

This is the line we're looking at:

Public Const GAME_IP As String = "" ' "localhost"

You want to replace that IP address with your own external. To find this, visit:

Once you've done this, re-compile your Client by going to 'File -> Make Client.exe'

The client will now connect to your network and try and send and receive data with your server. However, you may need to set up your router so the port is forwarded to your computer.

This isn't a standardised operation, however. You can find all the information you need at:

Go to the router's page, find your router's make & model, then follow the instructions. Mirage uses Port 7000 by default so that is the port you should forward.

Once you've done this, other players will be able to connect to your game!

3.0: How to package the client.

There are several popular ways of packaging up a client to send around to players. The most popular is to simply .rar or .zip up the files of the client and upload it to a website so people can download.

One of the more versatile options is to create self-extracting installer. Not only will this give you access to the computer's registry if you need to save any information, but you can also ship the required run-time files and have them automatically copied into the SYSTEM32 folder, and COM registered.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves, though. I'm going to go to the client folder, and .RAR these folders/files:


You shoud never send these files:


These files are the source code of your game, and you generally don't want people access your programming.

Now, you can send this .RAR to anyone, and they'll be able to load up the .exe file and connect to your game!

[Image: sonire_TB.png]

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