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[C++] ORPG Blody Engine
ORPG Blody Engine

Ok, I'm writing this post mainly to give out the link to my Dev Blog, where I'm going to keep everything updated about development of my engine. I'm sure 99% people here will not be interested in following my blog but still, I would be more than happy to see 1% Smile

Engine is not public but for my long wanting ORPG. I found out that it's the best way for me to write my own game than using these engines which doesn't have support that I need (and it's as hard to learn programming these as learning to write a game from start with some knowledge)

If you have any questions or anything, please, let me know Wink

PS: I'm not sure if that's enough for forum post...but, instead of writing everything here, you can check things out on my blog

Visit my blog

Simple image so I don't leave post too boring
[Image: Engine_thumb1.jpg]

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