I have a program calculating large numbers that are hard to read. I want it to add the 1000 seperator or , to change...
1000 to 1,000
how do I go about doing this? I found Dataformat and changed it to Number and also checked Use 1000 seperator but it still does not work.
do you mean 100 1,000 10,000 only
or like All numbers?(i.e; 1,354 15,645,324)
Here's my very own function I just wrote up. Supports numbers in the trillions
Code: Public Function FormatNumber(ByVal Number As Currency) As String
Dim loopi As Long
Dim TempStr As String
FormatNumber = CStr(Number)
If Len(FormatNumber) > 3 Then
TempStr = Left$(FormatNumber, Len(FormatNumber) - ((Len(FormatNumber) \ 3) * 3))
For loopi = Len(FormatNumber) \ 3 To 1 Step -1
TempStr = TempStr & "," & Mid$(CStr(Number), Len(CStr(Number)) - ((loopi * 3) - 1), 3)
FormatNumber = TempStr
If Left$(FormatNumber, 1) = "," Then FormatNumber = Right$(FormatNumber, Len(FormatNumber) - 1)
End If
End Function
Well I see Aaron is viewing this, so I'll post that I made a fix it just in case you used it and didn't know it has been fixed.
How would I go about using this? Right now I just have label captions showing the result of the formula (which equal big numbers)
Im guessing I would have to change it so the formulas are stored in variables and then have the caption = the variable or whatever.
But how do I go about using your function along with that?
Wait, what?
All you do is put your result in the FormatNumber function like: Label1.caption = FormatNumber(result)
lawl, I was only reading because I troll the forums. :p
I love making complicated looking code
Code: Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim l As Long
l = 123939201
Debug.Print Format$(l, "###,###,###,###.00")
End Sub
That will produce: 123,939,201.00
Code: Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim l As Long
l = 12
Debug.Print Format$(l, "$###,###,###,###.00")
End Sub
Will produce: $12.00
Hey whenever you have a decimal place it throws it all off... can you tell me how to fix that.
GIAKEN Wrote:Here's my very own function I just wrote up. Supports numbers in the trillions 
Code: Public Function FormatNumber(ByVal Number As Currency) As String
Dim loopi As Long
Dim TempStr As String
FormatNumber = CStr(Number)
If Len(FormatNumber) > 3 Then
TempStr = Left$(FormatNumber, Len(FormatNumber) - ((Len(FormatNumber) \ 3) * 3))
For loopi = Len(FormatNumber) \ 3 To 1 Step -1
TempStr = TempStr & "," & Mid$(CStr(Number), Len(CStr(Number)) - ((loopi * 3) - 1), 3)
FormatNumber = TempStr
If Left$(FormatNumber, 1) = "," Then FormatNumber = Right$(FormatNumber, Len(FormatNumber) - 1)
End If
End Function
Jacob Wrote:Code: Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim l As Long
l = 123939201
Debug.Print Format$(l, "###,###,###,###.00")
End Sub
That will produce: 123,939,201.00
Code: Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim l As Long
l = 12
Debug.Print Format$(l, "$###,###,###,###.00")
End Sub
Will produce: $12.00
Jacob's method is better, but eh...
Code: Public Function FormatNumber(ByVal Number As Currency) As String
Dim LoopI As Long
Dim TempStr() As String
TempStr = Split(CStr(Number), ".", , vbTextCompare)
FormatNumber = TempStr(0)
If Len(FormatNumber) > 3 Then
TempStr(0) = Left$(FormatNumber, Len(FormatNumber) - ((Len(FormatNumber) \ 3) * 3))
For LoopI = Len(FormatNumber) \ 3 To 1 Step -1
TempStr(0) = TempStr(0) & "," & Mid$(FormatNumber, Len(FormatNumber) - ((LoopI * 3) - 1), 3)
FormatNumber = TempStr(0)
If Left$(FormatNumber, 1) = "," Then FormatNumber = Right$(FormatNumber, Len(FormatNumber) - 1)
End If
If UBound(TempStr) > 0 Then FormatNumber = FormatNumber & "." & TempStr(1)
End Function
The way Jacob posted is 5x faster than my own hand written one
So I adapted to it!
Code: Public Function FormatNumber(ByVal Number As Currency) As String
If InStr(1, Number, ".", vbTextCompare) Then
FormatNumber = Format$(Number, "###,###,###,###,###.####")
FormatNumber = Format$(Number, "###,###,###,###,###")
End If
End Function
In VB6 the max is a currency type which is something like 900 trillion.
Not sure if a double is larger, never used it.