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Welcome everybody to the post about my newest game Fareoke. Now this is not your average 2d game. Head down to Engine Features and see why not. Now for the info

Quote:Human: The humans of Ravencrest are noble and proud. They live in peace and harmony under the leadership of King Drezil.

Dwarf: The stocky dwarves of Thronengard have been miners and diggers for all their days. They prefer to be underground in their vast tunnel system but they do come to the surface in case of danger.

Elf: The elves are ones with nature. They live in the forest in their tree-top city Aemisila. Keeping in touch with the druidic ways the elves help keep the grand city alive.

Drow Elf: The drow elves of Shara-Olah are much like their cousins. They prefer dead forests to live in. Being evil in nature has allowed the drow elves to go further into the magics of necromancy.

Orc: The orcs come from Turrakar their desert city. There they traverse the desserts in small bands only returning to the city with their spoils and stories of war. Once a proud race the orcs have dwindled in number and only few remain.

Undead: The undead of Dothie Gora are new to this world. They are beings of pure evil brought back from the dead by powerful liches. They kill all who stand in their way.

Dramun: The Dramun people are half human and half dragon. As old as the earth it's self they live away from all other races in their mountainous city of Fere Salis. They might one day be reunited but for now their grand city is divided based on scale colors.
Just some short descriptions there now. But my friend is doing up histories for each one of them.

Shadow Knight
Now before you guys say it will be hard to balance these things we know this. We do not expect to have every single race and class available in the first release. There will be patches done that release new content.

Engine Features
Quote:It will be a 100% custom coded ruby engine
Here are the major things in our engine that currently work
1)It takes 2d pixel art and projects them as 3d. It automatically calculates how big it should be based on the sprite size.
2)It encrypts everything. This is good for most games
I will update this more when I get home

The Staff
Quote:Owner,General Ideas,Website,Other things: Skillzalot
Programmer: Unnown
Scripter/Writer: Sigait
Graphics Artist: Cerum

Spell Types
Quote:1)Sub Hp-Obvious what it does
2)Sub Mp-Obvious what it does
3)Heal-Heals Hp
4)Restore-Heals Mp
5)Buff-Increases a stat for a set amount of time
6)Debuff- Opposite of buff
7)Teleportation-Teleports you to a given location
8)Cure-Removes poison from the target
9)Purify-Removes diseases from the target
10)Chain Spells-Jumps from target to target getting weaker after every hit
11)Absorb Hp-Does so much damage to target and caster gets percentage heal
12)Absorb Mp-Same as absorb Hp but for Mp
13)Poison-Deals damage over time
14)Fear-Make enemies run away.
15)Bind-Stop target from moving
16)Transformation-Transform and get stat increases/decreases

Quote:Weapons are split into four groups. The more you use a group the more damage you do,better crit you have increases how often you hit.

Blade-Swords, 2-Handed Swords, Daggers, Axes, 2-Handed Axes
Blunt-Maces, Mauls, Flails, Whips, Pole Arms
Ranged-Bows, Crossbows, Thrown
Magic-Staves, Wands

Types of Armor
Armor is grouped into 3 categories. As your prof goes up the armor can block more damage.
Cloth-Linen, Silk, Wool, Cotton, Pelt
Leather-Soft, Hard, Studded, Dragon
Mail-Chain, Scale, Plate

This are all the equip able slots we have planned right now
[Image: slots2.png]

Short Teams
Hp-Health Points
Mp-Magic Points
Crit-Critical Hit

Scale Mail-More plated than chain mail but not as much as plate mail

If you would like to apply to help you should post example of what you do. This is not a formal request I'm just putting it here just in case.

sounds sweet!!!! Big Grin
That engine sounds pretty cool Smile And I like the variety of races, post the histories when you have them Smile Looks like you guys have done lots of planning for this, hope to see an update soon Smile
Yup but my programmer has not been on msn lately but when he comes on ill post more updates
I have updated this topic with the newest information I can post. Expet some big things from the programmer cause he has been gone for a couple of days. :lol:

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