26-08-2009, 08:03 PM
This is part 1: How to set up and use gosu with ruby and making a window
1)download this file and install it a SciTE which comes with it http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=167
2)Download gosu from http://gosu.googlecode.com/files/gosu-w ... 0.7.14.zip
3)Make a new directory where your going to make your thing and copy these for files into there. Fmod.dll, Gosu.For_1_8.so, Gosu.for_1_9.so, and gosu .rb.
4)Make a new .rb file with the following code
you should save that as text.rb
now double click it if you did it correctly you should see a black windo with the title fareoke. Now to explain it a bit more in detail.
This tell ruby to find gosu and use it.
This says you are going to be making a window using gosu.
Def initialize starts the program. Super(800,600,False) Tells us how big the window will be.
self.caption = "Fareoke" Is the title of the window
End finishes the def.
that end finishes all our code
window = GameWindow.new that says we are making a new window
and window.show means show that window when all the other is finished.
Tune in next time to learn how to load and blit images
1)download this file and install it a SciTE which comes with it http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=167
2)Download gosu from http://gosu.googlecode.com/files/gosu-w ... 0.7.14.zip
3)Make a new directory where your going to make your thing and copy these for files into there. Fmod.dll, Gosu.For_1_8.so, Gosu.for_1_9.so, and gosu .rb.
4)Make a new .rb file with the following code
require 'gosu'
class GameWindow < Gosu::Window
def initialize
super(800, 600, false)
self.caption = "Fareoke"
window = GameWindow.new
you should save that as text.rb
now double click it if you did it correctly you should see a black windo with the title fareoke. Now to explain it a bit more in detail.
require 'gosu'
This tell ruby to find gosu and use it.
class GameWindow < Gosu::Window
This says you are going to be making a window using gosu.
def initialize
super(800, 600, false)
self.caption = "Fareoke"
Def initialize starts the program. Super(800,600,False) Tells us how big the window will be.
self.caption = "Fareoke" Is the title of the window
End finishes the def.
that end finishes all our code
window = GameWindow.new
window = GameWindow.new that says we are making a new window
and window.show means show that window when all the other is finished.
Tune in next time to learn how to load and blit images