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[W.I.P. Game] 2D Space Shooter
Hey guys Smile So this is kind of a work in progress game for me just to brush up a little on my DX8 and my VB Smile I'll post updates as they come Big Grin It's a simple 2D scrolling space shooter Smile

Check it out and tell me what you think Smile I also pixelled the ship, first thing I've ever actually pixelled. Feedback appreciated Smile

The controls are simple :
Space - Shoot
Left / Right - Move
Escape - Quit

Latest update :
Quote:Alright, just a little update Smile I added enemies now Smile The enemies are generated through a level "step" file, similar to games like Flash Flash revolution, just basically a file telling enemies when to appear and at what location. Enemies can also have different textures and speeds. I added a sample file just to kind of show you what I mean, but it is nowhere near completion.

You can also kill the enemies now Smile But there's no score keeper or anything. Liek I said the level is about 10 seconds long so Tongue

But enjoy, test, feel free to comment Smile
Wow man that's really awesome. Really nice work.
That's actually pretty awesome. Keep us posted, man.
Alright, just a little update Smile I added enemies now Smile The enemies are generated through a level "step" file, similar to games like Flash Flash revolution, just basically a file telling enemies when to appear and at what location. Enemies can also have different textures and speeds. I added a sample file just to kind of show you what I mean, but it is nowhere near completion.

You can also kill the enemies now Smile But there's no score keeper or anything. Liek I said the level is about 10 seconds long so Tongue

But enjoy, test, feel free to comment Smile
should i feel bad for editing the images to look like penises?
KruSuPhy Wrote:should i feel bad for editing the images to look like penises?

No,t hat's whats fun about it, you can easily change any of the images you want Tongue
I've turned it into a partially sexually oriented game /)_(\
With JoWs permission, I'm posting it =P

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