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Item stat Bonuses?
Okay, so I was adding in item stat bonuses, and I managed to get it to work. But I get this dirty feeling that I did it sloppy, so I'd appreciate it if some of you good fellows could give it a once over, and tell me how it looks, and how I could improve it, should it need improving. Here's an example:


                If InvNum  GetPlayerEquipmentSlot(Index, Weapon) Then
                    If GetPlayerStat(Index, Stats.Strength) < n Then
                        Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Your strength is to low to hold this weapon!  Required STR (" & n & ")", BrightRed)
                        Exit Sub
                    End If
                    If Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, InvNum)).MPBonus > 0 Then
                        Call SetPlayerStat(Index, Magic, GetPlayerStat(Index, Magic) + Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, InvNum)).MPBonus)
                    End If
                    Call SetPlayerEquipmentSlot(Index, InvNum, Weapon)

                    If Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, InvNum)).MPBonus > 0 Then
                        Call SetPlayerStat(Index, Magic, GetPlayerStat(Index, Magic) - Item(GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, InvNum)).MPBonus)
                    End If

                    Call SetPlayerEquipmentSlot(Index, 0, Weapon)
                End If

                Call SendWornEquipment(Index)
I would personally add temp variables for each of those. Then when each of those are checked, like in the functions with the formulas, I would add them together if there was a bonus. Instead of adding it like that. When I did it your way, some stuff would fuck up and I would end up with negative stats. Lol.

It's hard to kill things with -16 str..
Matt Wrote:I would personally add temp variables for each of those. Then when each of those are checked, like in the functions with the formulas, I would add them together if there was a bonus. Instead of adding it like that. When I did it your way, some stuff would fuck up and I would end up with negative stats. Lol.

It's hard to kill things with -16 str..

Yeah, very good point. Thanks, I'll go rewrite that.

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