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[IPHONE] Big Bubble
So yea I finally got my app through all of the stages to finally get it in the app store. The app is called Big Bubble, it costs $1, and is really fun and addictive. Your a bubble, and you eat smaller bubbles to grow, but if bigger bubbles eat you you loose a life. It has 99 levels, and I've only seen 26 of them Tongue.

You can find the app by searching Big Bubble in the app store (its not the top result surprisingly) or by searching Joel Einbinder (where it is the only result). If anyone also has any questions about the whole process im open to answering any questions.
How much?
How do they payout? Monthly? Weekly? Per sale?

I'd also be interested in knowing your sales in a months time. If it's even a few hundred, I'd be totally buying an IPhone and license!
Jacob Wrote:How do they payout? Monthly? Weekly? Per sale?

I'd also be interested in knowing your sales in a months time. If it's even a few hundred, I'd be totally buying an IPhone and license!

I'd just get the license. Haha. Rogue's sister has an iPhone.
yea just have a license, my brother has an iTouch. They pay 70% profits, idk if its monthly or what, haven't gotten paid yet. But the license is an annual fee, not a one time deal.
What did you program it in
objective C
Post some sample source codez.
of my game? Hell no
Just like one block? (an if statement or something)

I just want to see how the code how does an iPhone work programming wise? Does it have its own library which handles everything for drawing, sound, whatever and so on.

Objective C is such a strange language
it is.
I will check out Big Bubble and see what it is like and let you know how I like it. Grats on getting the app made its not as easy as some people say it is.

objective C - its REALLY fun but hard to get the hang of. I have a License and can give you access to my and my bussiness partners Sample SVN for Objective C if you want.

Message me on MSN/AIM/Yahoo for access to it (its not published)

we even started our own company and we got around 3-4 applications in the pike to be released in the next 2 months.

Company name is Whistle Britches Technologies

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