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[Demo] Pb's DX8 Demo
I've been messing with DX8 and VB6 for the past couple days, and got this all working.

Credits for the base DX8 Class go to Giaken (I had to edit it Big Grin ).

Well, here it is, everything is running rather smoothly I think, so I feel confident in letting you all attempt to tear it to shreds Big Grin

Tell me what you guys think!
Anybody test it out?
Mhmm, I did.

It seemed to work perfectly, yet the only thing that annoys me is for some reason things never seem to look as good in DX8 for me as they do for others in screenshots. Same goes for how it looked on my screen compared to yours. Although, I am a nitpicker so...

Good job though. :]
Heh, thanks!

If you haven't, check out Giaken's class demo. That's what i used instead of writing it all on my own, and it all works fine and i saved myself a headache Big Grin
I bet, I have used DX8 and made something with it myself. Stopped after a month or so of development, but I remember it being a little bit of a headache.
Well, been working on a basic Map Editor. Doesn't do much currently, Just able to select a tile and place it on the ground layer. But I was working a bit on the internals with the types and such. Not to mention fancy graphics Big Grin

Check it out!
[Image: index.php?id=83&rb_v=file]

[Image: index.php?id=84&rb_v=file]

Note: When you mouse over to the left, a bar appears. You then click on it to open the menu Big Grin and once the mouse leaves the menu it disappears again.

Next is finishing up the layers for the editor and saving. Then i need to start on networking Sad
keep it up pb, it looks great so far :]
Heh, Thanks! I find it funny that you are the only one replying to my posts. I'm not sure if that's good or bad :S

Well, who knows. I shall keep an eye on your updates, 'cause I am liking what I am seeing.
I like original work afterall.
If this becomes a complete engine i might use it
Nope. It's for a game of mine. Although, I might release the engine after a while and once I've rewritten most of it.
Eh, webhost is taking a while, so no site still.

Been working on the Editor a lil. And making it a bit easier to change map size and such. Fixed all the layers for maps so they are working properly and can be edited.

Eh, other than that, just messing with types and trying to figure out how to go about everything.
Could you by any chance share the source ? Big Grin Would appreciate it too a million!

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