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Simple Click To Move
Author: pingu
Difficulty: 1/5

"Click somewhere on the map and your player will automatically walk there. However, blocks are ignored and the player may find themself stuck if they go too far. Double click to run the distance."

' Game fps
Public GameFPS As Long
Under, add:
' Used for automatic movement
Public XToGo As Long
Public YToGo As Long
Public toRun As Boolean
PlayerBuffer = ""
Under, add:
xToGo = -1
    YToGo = -1
    toRun = False
Sub CheckInput
Replace sub with:
Sub CheckInput(ByVal KeyState As Byte, ByVal KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer)
    If GettingMap = False Then
        If KeyState = 1 Then
            If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
                XToGo = -1
                YToGo = -1
                Call CheckMapGetItem
            End If
            If KeyCode = vbKeyControl Then
                XToGo = -1
                YToGo = -1
                ControlDown = True
            End If
            If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then
                XToGo = -1
                YToGo = -1
                DirUp = True
                DirDown = False
                DirLeft = False
                DirRight = False
            End If
            If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then
                XToGo = -1
                YToGo = -1
                DirUp = False
                DirDown = True
                DirLeft = False
                DirRight = False
            End If
            If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then
                XToGo = -1
                YToGo = -1
                DirUp = False
                DirDown = False
                DirLeft = True
                DirRight = False
            End If
            If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then
                XToGo = -1
                YToGo = -1
                DirUp = False
                DirDown = False
                DirLeft = False
                DirRight = True
            End If
            If KeyCode = vbKeyShift Then
                ShiftDown = True
                toRun = False
            End If
            If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Then DirUp = False
            If KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then DirDown = False
            If KeyCode = vbKeyLeft Then DirLeft = False
            If KeyCode = vbKeyRight Then DirRight = False
            If KeyCode = vbKeyShift Then ShiftDown = False
            If KeyCode = vbKeyControl Then ControlDown = False
        End If
    End If
End Sub
Sub picScreen_MouseDown
Replace sub with:
Private Sub picScreen_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
    If (Button = 1 Or Button = 2) And InEditor = False Then
        If Button = 1 Then
            XToGo = x
            YToGo = y
            Call PlayerSearch(Button, Shift, x, y)
        End If
        Call EditorMouseDown(Button, Shift, x, y)
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub picScreen_Click()
    toRun = False
End Sub

Private Sub picScreen_DblClick()
    If InEditor = False Then toRun = True
End Sub
' Check if player is trying to move
Under, add:
' Auto move
        If XToGo  -1 Or YToGo  -1 Then
            Dim xDif As Long
            Dim YDif As Long
            xDif = Abs(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - XToGo)
            YDif = Abs(GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - YToGo)
            If XToGo = GetPlayerX(MyIndex) Or XToGo = -1 Then
                XToGo = -1
                xDif = 0
                xDif = Abs(GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - XToGo)
            End If
            If YToGo = GetPlayerY(MyIndex) Or YToGo = -1 Then
                YToGo = -1
                YDif = 0
                YDif = Abs(GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - YToGo)
            End If
            If YToGo = -1 And XToGo = -1 And toRun = True Then
                toRun = False
            End If
            If xDif > YDif Then
                If GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - XToGo > 0 Then
                    DirLeft = True
                    DirRight = True
                End If
            End If
            If YDif > xDif Then
                If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - YToGo > 0 Then
                    DirUp = True
                    DirDown = True
                End If
            End If
            If xDif = YDif And xDif  0 And YDif  0 Then
                If Int(Rnd * 2) = 0 Then
                    If GetPlayerX(MyIndex) - XToGo > 0 Then
                        DirLeft = True
                        DirRight = True
                    End If
                    If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) - YToGo > 0 Then
                        DirUp = True
                        DirDown = True
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
' Check if player has the shift key down for running
                If ShiftDown Then
Replace with:
' Check if player has the shift key down for running
                If ShiftDown Or toRun Then
From what I see, it is "You move in this direction while clicking", correct?

Has anyone done a "Click here and the engine will calculate the shortest path and walk there automatically"-type thing? That'd be pretty fun to see, too. Theres plenty of pathfinding guides and code out there, so that wouldn't be the hard part. Taking into account the fact that people can jump into your way may make things a little harder, though. Easiest way to go about it would to keep in memory the targeted (clicked) position and recalculate the path every tile a new tile is reached and just move one tile. You could probably optimize it a bit, though, by keeping a buffer of the path to travel, then after each movement to a new tile check if any of the path has been obstructed - if so, then recalculate.

Sorry, I digress. :wink:
I actually wrote a really big function once that kept calling itself (I forget what that is called). In theory, it worked nicely. It would split off into four directions with another few function calls. It would then work it's way until one of them hit gold, and then stop all the others. Sounds nice, but the stupid thing found a way of turning on itself and lagging.

In in the end, the long wait time just wasn't worth it.

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