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How to store and recive data from a MySQL to VB
just explain it not the code, im not using mirage source with this one.
hmmm i believe that's what verrigan's 3.0.7 version of MS was all about, so i'd tell you to look through there, but i haven't seen the source for that in ages, and i don't have it...
yeh, i'm very much looking for this, i need to for my game lol but perhaps just a regular tutorial of how to insert and get data (or just insert) would be a great help please Smile
Classified Wrote:RecordSets

and what are they when they're at home? lol

i'm just asking for a basic tutorial so i can start sending stuff to a mysql database lol
hes telling you to search on google for record sets along with vb.
Misunderstood Wrote:hes telling you to search on google for record sets along with vb.

oh right, oops lol, i thought he was just saying what is used... thanks Smile
I have the source, just message me on msn or aim to get it.

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