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Networking tutorial
I wanted to make something completely from scratch. I want it to be 100% my code pretty much and then I can have it completely how I want it. Its going to take me a long time im sure but im not worried about that just something to do. Anyways I want a guide to help me learn networking for creating my server. More less I want basic connection between server and client. And then clients... then later sending information so on.

I know how to basically with Winsock its not too hard to do a basic connect... I was thinking of using IOCP instead. So anyways guides for starting with that?

Or what would be the best method to use.. using VB.

THanks all
Seriously, take the way Verr did it for MS, and apply it to your new app.
Yeah I didnt know if it had any extra crap just for mirage or what... but I will look into it... got a link?

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