Simple enough lol. Now, sometimes it says it cant put a string to a int, so I have to convert it. Im doing Convert.ToInt32() and all that. My question is, what is different about the Convert.ToString() compared to the blah.blah.ToString?
Well for instance I have a string. But I have 2 integers that I want to add up and add it inside the string. In order to put the total value inside the string, I have to convert the integer into a string. Idk, im new. Im most likely doing it wrong.
Can't you just add the two integers together and then convert that into a string?
String Blah1 = Num1.ToString()
Really? You can't use CStr in C#? What a load of bull.
int in C++ means initialize not integer. I'm pretty sure it means that in c# too.
Nope. int (C#) = Integer (VB).
Dragoons Master
Beres Wrote:My question is, what is different about the Convert.ToString() compared to the blah.blah.ToString?
Convert.ToString() is a bunch of functions from the .Net Framework.
.ToString() is a class member function. The thing is that every type in C# already has the implementation of the ToString function, even your custom classes(the default shows the object name, if I remember correctly). The good thing about this is that you can make your own ToString() functions for your custom classes, using the override reserved word.
public override string ToString()
return "anything";