19-06-2009, 06:18 PM
BomberMan Online Source (BMOS)
Download: http://www.asphodelgames.com/community/ ... =viewtopic
This is basically a remake of Super Bomberman 5 for the SNES, except with multiplayer online capabilities. Everything seems to be working fine so far, with a fully integrated lobby system
Download: http://www.asphodelgames.com/community/ ... =viewtopic
This is basically a remake of Super Bomberman 5 for the SNES, except with multiplayer online capabilities. Everything seems to be working fine so far, with a fully integrated lobby system

- Bomb dropping
Bombs blow up other bombs
Dynamic fire paths
Bonus pick-up item (fire path distance +1)
Death upon touching fire
Death if in path of fire when it's launched
Lose bonuses on death
Lobby system
Death animation
Able to show off a jump animation with /jump
High score list
Kill / Death / Matches won counter
Match system