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Post for Release (dont read)
Keeping this here until I release my game.

Key To Heaven
Key To Heaven is a 2d based free medieval MORPG. PvP starts after level 5 so either you need to be very strong and fight alone or create/join a guild and fight together. The quests are never ending and the gameplay is very unique. Download it and check it out for yourself.

Download: Key To Heaven

K2H is a pvp game, this means that after level 5 you can fight against other players at all maps outside the town. You drop 50% of your equipped items when you die so you should try to avoid that. There are no classes in this game, instead you put your stat points on 5 types of stats: Strength, Endurance, Agility, Wisdom and Intelligence. This way you could either make a Warrior, Archer, Mage, Battle-Mage or anything really. You can have a warrior with a few decent buff spells. Or be a archer with only damage, that would mean putting no stats on endurance. You can also customize your character to make him unique compared to all the other players.

There are around 20 basic quests atm, these quests are here for a reason. And they aren't useless as in many other games, now you actually gain important things from them. And most of the quests are actually fun to complete. There are also 1 huge quest you can attempt to do, this quest is very difficult but the rewards are great. It's a never ending quest, getting to the end of it atm is very difficult and requires hours of seraching and understanding. And if someone actually manage to get to the end, I will start to build on it to make sure there are always something new to find. This quest consists of a lot of hidden areas that can only be found by following the quest.

[Image: 85010342vv1.png]
[Image: screenshotbc8.png]
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About Me
I've been making games since I've been 13 years old. The first 4 years or so I used to make single player rp games. But nowadays I program my own game and after years of pixeling and programming. I'm finally finished. So I hope you enjoy my work Smile

Hope you download and check out the game. Smile It might be worth it.
I dont think so. You would never read all of that text xD
Lea Wrote:yeah, but I read "dont read" in the title and I couldn't resist. I looked at the pictures, though >.>
Thats what I thought Tongue Mind correcting the grammar Wink
What does cba stand for?

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