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resync button
You know sometimes when you load a new map your char lags so i would like to make a resync button.
Could someone post the code for it to understand it so i can use it?

Explain to me what you mean by resynching?

If you mean simply reloading the surfaces you can do it like so:

in modCommands:
If Mid(MyText, 1, 8) = "/refresh" Then
            If MsgBox("You are about to refresh all the graphics surfaces. This could take some time, and may also 'mess the graphics up'. If anything looks distroted after reshing, you may try to do it again, but it is better to restart the game client." & vbNewLine & "Do you wish to refresh?", vbYesNo, "Warning") = vbYes Then
                Call DestroyDirectX
                Call InitDirectX
                Call AddText("Surfaces recallibrated.", white)
            End If

            MyText = ""
            Exit Sub
        End If
Wow, I never actually thought of that command - rly useful for editing sprites etc and staying in-game o.0

He means an x/y refresh. I'll paste the code here later.
blz i can has code for 3d ISO 1289731739x9283402984902 maps k?
Fox Wrote:Wow, I never actually thought of that command - rly useful for editing sprites etc and staying in-game o.0

He means an x/y refresh. I'll paste the code here later.

Thatsexactly why i made that code lol. I did all my quest editng in game and was starting to realize how easy it wouldbe to just draw the quest items, recallibrate the surfaces and then test it right away without having to log in and out a thousand times.
Leighland Wrote:
Fox Wrote:Wow, I never actually thought of that command - rly useful for editing sprites etc and staying in-game o.0

He means an x/y refresh. I'll paste the code here later.

Thatsexactly why i made that code lol. I did all my quest editng in game and was starting to realize how easy it wouldbe to just draw the quest items, recallibrate the surfaces and then test it right away without having to log in and out a thousand times.


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