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check the name of a player even if he is offline...
if you're just editing online players make a packet that gets the current stats of that player... then make it show in an editor, and an ok button that changes it server side and make it send the update stats to everyone... no?

but for offline it'll be a pain 'cos you'd have to edit everything so it saves players and accounts to diff file... it means alot of getvar and putvar'ing of new stats.... i'm all confused now... ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! and i'm tipsy hehehe
okay so wha tyou need is a tempaccount and temp players variables tored server side
then you get a complete list fo the .ini file sin a file list box..
adn jsut load eachone up in turn then make teh dat visible via a seperate form
then allow fo rit to be edited. and then runn teh tempplayer adn temp account rhougtheh serverside save feature..
adn youshould be allset
i fyou just want an accoutn manager that youcan use wihtout usingteh mirage client then talk tome iahve made one in the past..
andit may require a few changes to work for you but i wil gladly help out

if you want ic an see abotu setting upa module tha twilluse yourexising server stuf fand allow youto jsut plug it inadn use it iw illa lso include a module and form for the client to edit the accounts with..
if you would liek me to or any one else.. for tha tmatter
anyway you guys are thinking will KILL the server. not jsu tmomentary lag, but tons of lag. especially if its constant. our playershops save while offline by saving the account name and player name in the shop, well ti sued to, we dont have chars anymore.
I am just suplying options..
I can easily readapt my current account editor from PW for mirage source..
which will not require any server client interaction it is a completely seperate program run serverside
which allows you to edit all users characters includinttheir inventory and spells list
I could easily addapt it for any sort of mirage source system you have.
he means from ingame. like is end this player a mail, but they arent ingame, so it adds it to their file that they got it, even though they aren't on
Advocate Wrote:No, you're reading what he's saying wrong, he's saying Gilga doesn't know how to edit ini files, so your method won't work. He was talking about players that ARE online, you're twisting everything.

uhm...but i do know how to edit ini files if the player is online, but offline is a problem for me Smile

@Dr.Spoon and grimsk8ter11

if dr.spoon helped me with that server side account changer, if would be really easy for me, because th only thing that i have to change is that the client send a packet to the server with the name and stuff,m and then the server picks out the ini and changes it into what i need Smile

thanks guys!
You do have access to the server files, right? If so, you just open ini files in notepad. It's not that hard.
Advocate Wrote:You do have access to the server files, right? If so, you just open ini files in notepad. It's not that hard.

:/...seems like nobody really understands what i am trying to add >..
well I have good news for you..
really really good news..
if al you ever want to change is the characters name from old to new
i can get you a quick and easy tutorial on that..
however if you atn to beable toe dite everything aboutthe player well it will take some time but it can be done.. relatively easily
(just a lot of code to type up)

pm or msn
i guess you could make the server get a filelist for the accounts folder, and make it search every character name slot.... and when it finds it, it quits the loop... or something?
lol I have that already..
Dr. Spoon Wrote:lol I have that already..

yeh, that's what I guessed you were doing, but maybe when it finds that player data area, it could get the stats from that same section? like make it set the account name it's in as a string and use that to get the information sorta thing.... it's quite complex...
Dr. Spoon Wrote:well I have good news for you..
really really good news..
if al you ever want to change is the characters name from old to new
i can get you a quick and easy tutorial on that..
however if you atn to beable toe dite everything aboutthe player well it will take some time but it can be done.. relatively easily
(just a lot of code to type up)

pm or msn

alright, thanks man! i ll contact you as soon as the game ends ( germany against portugal in 20 mins xD)

thanks to everyone else who tried to help me!
hmm still no contact..
i wonder why?

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