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Character Preview
Hmm, I want to Blt the 3 Account Characters so you can preview them at the Character select. I know how to do the blt'ing but, How do I go about blt'ing what character?

Like, How would I pick what character is blt'ed?
I just have all three loaded at login. Mine are all shown at the same time, though. Just take wahtever sprite the character slected has, then blt from there. Get it from the list element (like a spell).
Stomach Pulser Wrote:I just have all three loaded at login. Mine are all shown at the same time, though. Just take wahtever sprite the character slected has, then blt from there. Get it from the list element (like a spell).

Yeah... But would I need to create a new bltcharacter or could I possibly use bltplayer?
I think I just made a new blt sub that blits what I tell it to. It isn't complicated.
Use BltToDC and blt them in the All characters packet.

DD_SpriteSurf.BltToDC frmChars.hdc, rec, rec_pos

But before that define your rec and rec_pos. Your rec would be the source of your image. Something like this.

With rec
                .Top = Str$(Sprite) * 64
                .Bottom = .Top + 64
                .Left = 4 * 32
                .Right = .Left + 32
            End With

Thats for 32x64 sprites but you can fix it up easily enough. Then with rec_pos (this is what you wanted to know in the first place I think) it would be a matter of telling it were to blt to. With rec_pos you can tell it to blt whatever character number to whichever coordinates you want.

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