When I choose a character, it gets stuck on "Connected, sending char data..."
I tried checking out the "usechar" packet, but everything seemed fine...
Any help is appreciated (Using mirage 3.0.3 and its not a blank source, BUT, this did just start happening, so it can't be anything I added or that was added)
Stomach Pulser
That soemtimes randomly occurs to me, check packets and calls for login.
Yup, I reviewed everything, I'll try deleting the accounts and making new ones or something
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Hehe, I remeber this happening to me back when I first started with MS, I had tons of problems finding that problem back then.
First Delete Accounts.
Did you add binary recently?
yup, they are Binary, and I tried Deleting them, still nothing
I'm 99% certain its to do with timers on the server being retarded.
Hmm.. timers, I'll check it out
You know what would be awesome is a program to compare two sources, and then ignore some comparisons that you know arent causing the problem. You could compare your source to a fresh ms and find the problem pronto. I'll lol if this exists >.>
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It's called that your type on the server isnt the same as the client one. So when logging in your binary gets messed up.
I tried comparing, everything is good, And the types are the same
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Post your save and load char subs.
William I think he's talking about the random login sticks you get if you don't remove all the server timers, could be wrong though..