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Using With
My teach told me in VB, With's inside of With's are slow. When I added With's to the LoadPlayer sub, my Log In is instantaneous:

Sub LoadPlayer(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Name As String)
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim n As Long
    Dim nFileNum As Integer
    FileName = App.Path & "\Accounts\" & Trim(Name) & ".bin"

    nFileNum = FreeFile
    Open FileName For Binary As #nFileNum
    Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Login
    Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Password
    For i = 1 To MAX_CHARS
        'General Information
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Name
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Class
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Sex
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Sprite
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Level
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Exp
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Access
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).PK
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Guild
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).HP
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).MP
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).SP
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).STR
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).DEF
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).SPEED
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).MAGI
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).POINTS
        'Worn Equipment
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).ArmorSlot
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).WeaponSlot
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).HelmetSlot
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).ShieldSlot

        ' Check to make sure that they aren't on map 0, if so reset'm
        If Player(index).Char(i).Map = 0 Then
            Player(index).Char(i).Map = START_MAP
            Player(index).Char(i).x = START_X
            Player(index).Char(i).y = START_Y
        End If
        ' Position
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Map
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).x
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).y
        Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Dir
        ' Inventory
        For n = 1 To MAX_INV
            Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Inv(n).Num
            Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Inv(n).Value
            Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Inv(n).Dur
        Next n
        ' Spells
        For n = 1 To MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS
            Get #nFileNum, , Player(index).Char(i).Spell(n)
        Next n
    Next i
    Close #nFileNum
End Sub
Sub LoadPlayer(ByVal index As Long, ByVal Name As String)
    Dim FileName As String
    Dim i As Long
    Dim n As Long
    Dim nFileNum As Integer
    FileName = App.Path & "\Accounts\" & Trim(Name) & ".bin"

    nFileNum = FreeFile
    Open FileName For Binary As #nFileNum
    With Player(index)
        Get #nFileNum, , .Login
        Get #nFileNum, , .Password
        For i = 1 To MAX_CHARS
            With .Char(i)
                'General Information
                Get #nFileNum, , .Name
                Get #nFileNum, , .Class
                Get #nFileNum, , .Sex
                Get #nFileNum, , .Sprite
                Get #nFileNum, , .Level
                Get #nFileNum, , .Exp
                Get #nFileNum, , .Access
                Get #nFileNum, , .PK
                Get #nFileNum, , .Guild
                Get #nFileNum, , .HP
                Get #nFileNum, , .MP
                Get #nFileNum, , .SP
                Get #nFileNum, , .STR
                Get #nFileNum, , .DEF
                Get #nFileNum, , .SPEED
                Get #nFileNum, , .MAGI
                Get #nFileNum, , .POINTS
                'Worn Equipment
                Get #nFileNum, , .ArmorSlot
                Get #nFileNum, , .WeaponSlot
                Get #nFileNum, , .HelmetSlot
                Get #nFileNum, , .ShieldSlot
                ' Check to make sure that they aren't on map 0, if so reset'm
                If .Map = 0 Then
                    .Map = START_MAP
                    .x = START_X
                    .y = START_Y
                End If
                ' Position
                Get #nFileNum, , .Map
                Get #nFileNum, , .x
                Get #nFileNum, , .y
                Get #nFileNum, , .Dir
                ' Inventory
                For n = 1 To MAX_INV
                    With .Inv(n)
                        Get #nFileNum, , .Num
                        Get #nFileNum, , .Value
                        Get #nFileNum, , .Dur
                    End With
                Next n
                ' Spells
                For n = 1 To MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS
                    Get #nFileNum, , .Spell(n)
                Next n
            End With
        Next i
    End With
    Close #nFileNum
End Sub
So I'm lead to believe using With's are a huge optimization, anyone think differently or am I right?
Dave Wrote:With is merely a programmer convenience. It is optimized away at compile time.

Actually it isn't. Not by a long shot. Its been a long time since I've looked into it, but I from what I remember, when you mark something with "With", the object gets stored in a local cache. With can also cause problems if you use it at times but End With is never reached (ie using Exit Sub).

Compare the assembly for the following two codes:

Private Sub Form_Load()

    Call Test
End Sub

Public Sub Test()

    Form1.Caption = "Hello"
End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

    Call Test
End Sub

Public Sub Test()

    With Form1
        .Caption = "Hello"
    End With
End Sub

Heres the assembly (all compilation optimization options ticked)
Using with:

Private sub unknown_401A00
00401A00: push ebp
00401A01: mov ebp, esp
00401A03: sub esp, 0000000Ch
00401A06: push 004010A6h ; MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaExceptHandler
00401A0B: mov eax, fs:[00h]
00401A11: push eax
00401A12: mov fs:[00000000h], esp
00401A19: sub esp, 00000010h
00401A1C: push ebx
00401A1D: push esi
00401A1E: push edi
00401A1F: mov var_0C, esp
00401A22: mov var_08, 00401090h
00401A29: xor edi, edi
00401A2B: mov var_04, edi
00401A2E: mov eax, [ebp+08h]
00401A31: push eax
00401A32: mov ecx, [eax]
00401A34: call [ecx+04h]
00401A37: mov eax, [402010h]
00401A3C: mov var_1C, edi
00401A3F: cmp eax, edi
00401A41: jnz 401A53h
00401A43: push 00402010h
00401A48: push 00401330h
00401A4D: call MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaNew2
00401A53: mov edx, [00402010h]
00401A59: mov esi, [0040101Ch]
00401A5F: lea eax, var_1C
00401A62: push edx
00401A63: push eax
00401A64: call MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaObjSetAddref
00401A66: mov eax, var_1C
00401A69: push 00401614h ; Hello
00401A6E: push eax
00401A6F: mov ecx, [eax]
00401A71: call [ecx+54h]
00401A74: cmp eax, edi
00401A76: fclex
00401A78: jnl 401A8Ch
00401A7A: mov edx, var_1C
00401A7D: push 00000054h
00401A7F: push 00401530h
00401A84: push edx
00401A85: push eax
00401A86: call MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaHresultCheckObj
00401A8C: lea eax, var_1C
00401A8F: push edi
00401A90: push eax
00401A91: call MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaObjSetAddref
00401A93: push 00401AA2h
00401A98: lea ecx, var_1C
00401A9B: call MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaFreeObj
00401AA1: ret
End Sub

and no with:

Private sub unknown_4019C0
004019C0: push ebp
004019C1: mov ebp, esp
004019C3: sub esp, 0000000Ch
004019C6: push 00401096h ; MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaExceptHandler
004019CB: mov eax, fs:[00h]
004019D1: push eax
004019D2: mov fs:[00000000h], esp
004019D9: sub esp, 00000010h
004019DC: push ebx
004019DD: push esi
004019DE: push edi
004019DF: mov var_0C, esp
004019E2: mov var_08, 00401088h
004019E9: mov var_04, 00000000h
004019F0: mov eax, [ebp+08h]
004019F3: push eax
004019F4: mov ecx, [eax]
004019F6: call [ecx+04h]
004019F9: mov eax, [402010h]
004019FE: test eax, eax
00401A00: jnz 401A12h
00401A02: push 00402010h
00401A07: push 00401314h
00401A0C: call MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaNew2
00401A12: mov esi, [00402010h]
00401A18: push 004015F8h ; Hello
00401A1D: push esi
00401A1E: mov edx, [esi]
00401A20: call [edx+54h]
00401A23: test eax, eax
00401A25: fclex
00401A27: jnl 401A38h
00401A29: push 00000054h
00401A2B: push 00401514h
00401A30: push esi
00401A31: push eax
00401A32: call MSVBVM60.DLL.__vbaHresultCheckObj
00401A38: mov eax, [ebp+08h]
00401A3B: push eax
00401A3C: mov ecx, [eax]
00401A3E: call [ecx+08h]
00401A41: mov eax, var_04
00401A44: mov ecx, var_14
00401A47: pop edi
00401A48: pop esi
00401A49: mov fs:[00000000h], ecx
00401A50: pop ebx
00401A51: mov esp, ebp
00401A53: pop ebp
00401A54: retn 0004h
End Sub

As you can see, it is clearly different so With is not just a programmer's shortcut. It seems that a local object containing the 32-bit address is created storing the address of the item you used With on. Then, at End With, it is released.

So given this, it is likely that performance will be worse in the case of where little branching is used or the object being With'd is used very few times. In your case, you're branching down to the 2nd level (Player(index).Char(i)) and using it many times. I would think that this would be a lot faster since instead of looking up Player(index).Char(i) on the heap every time, you're grabbing the address from the stack. But, with VB6, who knows... nothing makes sense when it comes to micro-optimizations in VB6.
Assembly is confusing ;-;
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?

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