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picScreen Tutorial
2/5 - Easy
Tutorial By Sign

Note: This tutorial is not a Copy & Paste.
This tutorial will teach you how to change the picScreen's
size and map size sice picScreen isn't just resizing

Things To Edit
[*] modTypes [Client and Server]
[*] frmMirage

First of all the picScreen's width and height has to be divisable
by 32. Lets say my height was 1120, It could surely be divided
by 32 and the divided number would be 35. In modTypes (both
Client and Server) you will be able to find MAX_MAPX = and
MAX_MAPY = In Both client and server the numbers has to be
the same. Below Shows you where the divided height
and width of picScreen and where it goes.


Then After dividng and putting where the divided number goes
Delete ALL Your maps in client and server.
Run Your Server and Client
And Wala! You Have Working Resized picScreen
nice and simple tutorial, i like it Smile

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