Mirage Engine
Pirate Story Online - Printable Version

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Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 23-03-2009

Will be posting more soon.

Re: Pirate Story Online - GIAKEN - 23-03-2009

Not too bad...

Your programmer quit out on you?...

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 23-03-2009

No he didn't quit out. We actually should have a client we will be able to log in on by friday. With most Features from GUI coded in.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 19-05-2009


That's for everyone who didn't think we were gonna make it. We are getting really close, basically we just have a client that you enter a name and you login and can hang out. We don't have the chatbox synced or the rest of the GUI finished. That's why it's just a short let's run around. Over the next month we will finish up the GUI, stop the crashes with server, and have something that allows you to CREATE the account and type the username and password into so that you can play.

Slowly but surely. Were doing it.

Re: Pirate Story Online - Tony - 19-05-2009

That's cool, you guys made it a bit far. The GUI could be better though.. it falls too much under the "Elysium" style. Not that I'm saying that it's that bad but could better. Hope to see more updates. Jaiyo.

Re: Pirate Story Online - ExoShox - 24-05-2009

half of the posts here made me lol until i was gasping for breath Big Grin

anyway i think the game's ideas are great and the blobs look cute and squishy like Peeps (SSSSSUUUUGGGGAAAARRRR) but the people and hair = ugleh.

at first i thought you combined MS and OP to make Pirate Story but then i realized that is has nothing to do with OP and doesnt seem like it has any relation to it. (OP is One Piece by the way)

i recommend you get shorter hairstyles and more straight hair styles or it looks like u went nuts with the pencil tool in MSPaint (lol)

Anyway, hope it goes good though. it sucks to lose your programmer. my project cant lose its head programmer though. mainly cuz i own my project and i AM the lead programmer > : O (the frustration builds.) Anyway. Good Luck, hopefully itll turn out well!

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 23-06-2009

So, i've come back to post some information on my game. You might care or you might not.

Our game now has a Day and Night system coded in. It also has a registration portal. Where you register on the site and it allows you to create a character on the game. We aren't releasing the registration page until after Alpha starts. But it won't be for a while. We've coded NPC's that you can talk to. This is just a line of code to show you what i mean.

_PUBLIC_NAME = "Jiobah"
_PRIVATE_NAME = "npc_jiobah"

_STAND_POS = (2,2)

def init():
return "INIT_OK"

def dialog(step):
if step=="start dialog":
return ("""My name Is Jiobah, I am a crazy mage...
I live here because some sort of powerful entity made me so...
He told me I was part of a game!!! What an atrocity..."
"Can I help you?",
"Ok see ya...")
if step=="Can I help you?":
return ("No... we are powerless...",

Gives you options and so on so that you can talk to him. We made that as a example because we finally got a NPC system coded that walks. It walks REALLY weird though we haven't worke don it too much. We finished the map editor. It's all enviormental, it's not pick a bunch of seperate blocks and build. It's you just click a building and click it somewhere on the map, and it sets. We've got hair now for the characters.

We also finished the color palette wheel, you just click somewhere on the wheel for hair color, you can have millions of different shades.

[Image: server.png]

Here is our server.

Things are on there way, we've been working on the project for 4 months.

[Image: sprc6tmp.jpg]

Theres the Hair and NPC by the way. I know things are weird, but we are working them out.


That's the registration portal, but don't bother registering because we don't have the password encryption yet, so your username and password we can see. The portal isn't on mainpage.

Everything concerning your account will be handled on the website rather than in-game. This let's us setup user profiles online, allow people to lookup theirs and others' stats, and also do many other cool things. We can add a highscores list, so all of you can see your levels.

[Image: x1lz09.gif]

There's our animated blacksmith, i know the NPCs are a little weird at the moment x_0 we aren't trying to hard on them, were just rushing to get something setup.

[Image: zombieattack02.gif]
[Image: w69.png]

Here is a monster that you will be able to fight, it's kinda just a pirate it's something for Royals to train on.

[Image: skeletonwalk01.gif]

Another monster, in know the animation is weird, needs alot of work. But it will fix itself up in the end.

Well leave your crits and comments please, we will keep updating you as soon as we start working things more. I suspet within the next 3 months we will have an alpha online if any of you care ;P.

Re: Pirate Story Online - halla - 25-06-2009

Just to let you know the initials PSO is already used by a game that used to be pretty popular. It was Phantasy Star Online which came from the RPGs on the Sega Genesis.

If I was you I would just remove the online... to many games use it and its obvious they are online games so its useless.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 25-06-2009

We already bought a website domain some time ago. Made banners and everything.


So i really don't feel like buying a new name.

Re: Pirate Story Online - WerewolfModerator - 25-06-2009

halla Wrote:Just to let you know the initials PSO is already used by a game that used to be pretty popular. It was Phantasy Star Online which came from the RPGs on the Sega Genesis.

If I was you I would just remove the online... to many games use it and its obvious they are online games so its useless.

It's not useless if the game is derived from an offline game or anime or book series. Things like that. Where there are other versions of it.

Re: Pirate Story Online - halla - 25-06-2009

In the case of say Phantasy Star yeah that makes sense but for games created on here its kind of stupid.

Even if say your making an online zelda fangame (imagine that!? lol) Zelda Online or something still sounds stupid

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 28-06-2009

Actually, this game is created from the ground up using C++.
Were not even using this engine.

Re: Pirate Story Online - unknown - 28-06-2009

This engine looks fantastic, congratulations to all involved!

Re: Pirate Story Online - MagicPuppet - 11-08-2009

Loving the isometric!
Do you have a very very basic version of the Engine? I'd love to see if I can upgrade it ALOT and keep you informed on what I'm adding ect. xD
I'm not asking for the latest thing of that engine I'm asking for the extremely Basic where u can just Set the server up ect. xD
anyways send me an e-mail : feelz02@yahoo.com

Re: Pirate Story Online - olliepop - 11-10-2009

Hey bro.

I sent you a message like a year or half a year ago about this.

I said i was developing a Flash CS3 (as3) pirates game, and you said once i made some progress you'll look at joining.

Your GFX are awesome.

Anyway i stopped the Flash version and just recently started with a VB.net version...

Would you look at hopping aboard in a month or so if i made a lot of progress? A pirate MMORPG has always been an absolute dream of mine.

Isometric too Smile