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Pirate Story Online
Well, me and my friends have been working on a little project. Pirate Story Online, we are having a little trouble, we need a programmer. First i'll show you some of the features and things our engine currently has. Also, what were aiming for.
Here is the login screen of the GUI:

[Image: logind.png]

That's the ingame GUI, my friends had it implemented, but our other Programmer quit out on us. So we had to scrap the engine and we have the basics again.

[Image: newwood.png]

Now what were aiming for is Isometrics a 4 way, just angle changed, that way it has something unique about it. We have some walking animations, and the sprites blink. Our last Programmer was able to work those in on his custom engine and we tested it, but again he quit and left us with no source and nothing to work with. We have some character sprites and character ideas. I don't feel like uploading so you'll have to check out our forums to see what's up. But i'll post some direct links to threads that have the sprites in it.

Here are some sprites with Items on:

[Image: xbwxh5.png] Pirate Bandana #2
[Image: 2q0u6j4.png] Shorts
[Image: 2dvvj15.png] Pirate Clothes #1(male)
[Image: 25z6zhy.png] Pirate Clothes #2(male)
[Image: 295wjzt.png] Pirate Clothes #3(male)
[Image: 2vi4j0o.png] Pirate Clothes #4 (male)
[Image: 29yddl.png] Pirate Clothes #5 (male)
[Image: 25almjk.png] Pirate Clothes #6 (male)
[Image: 2cr7sbr.png] Pirate Clothes #7 (male)
[Image: mrsk83.png] Pirate Clothes #8 (male)
[Image: 110hba9.png] Pirate Clothes #9 (male)
[Image: 24pi4gn.png] Pirate Clothes #1 (female)
[Image: 1qoion.png] Pirate Clothes #2 (female)
[Image: 1563ggz.png] Pirate Clothes #3 (female)
[Image: 2im1gkn.png] Pirate Clothes #4 (female)
[Image: 28wkqp2.png] Pirate Clothes #5 (female)
[Image: 15qdmqu.png] Pirate Clothes #6 (female)
[Image: 10r4mtw.png] Pirate Clothes #7 (female)
[Image: 2lw14lv.png] Pirate Clothes #8 (female)
[Image: 2wfjodl.png] Pirate Clothes #9 (female)
[Image: 2vj60zr.png] Pirate Hat #2
[Image: 2mm8wua.png] Pirate Hat #3

Here is our first monster:

[Image: x2p3qq.png] Blobs

Recent work!

I recolored every sprite to take the forehead light marks away. Also I took characteristics from what Stava did with the female sprites and put them together with mine. I also erased the bra strings on the shoulders.

[Image: newspritemodel.png]

Working on the shooting animation. Frame 1, 2 and 4 displayed here; frame 3 has yet to be done. I'm only working there on the arms, I haven't touched the legs yet.
[Image: frame124and3ismissing.png]

I started an emo hairstyle for females. Here is the outline, coloring is yet to be done.
[Image: emohairoutline.png]

Needs more work.
[Image: emohairstylefemale.png]
[Image: emohairsongirls.png]
[Image: emohairstylefemale.png]
[Image: emohairsongirlsp2.png]
[Image: emohairstylefemalevaria.png]
[Image: emohairsongirlsp3.png]

[Image: withoutbootsnewdress.png]
[Image: emohairsongirlswithnewd.png]

[Image: maleemohairstyleoutline.png]
[Image: emomalearmy.png]

Facial expressions:
[Image: abouttolaugh.png]
[Image: happyl.png]
[Image: miserablek.png]
[Image: veryhappysmilie.png]
[Image: boou.png]
[Image: 2iqn1js.png]
[Image: 23uo4zt.png]
[Image: mc8c8w.jpg]
[Image: 107uvb5.png]

[Image: royaldresscheckingitout.png]
[Image: royaldressonblackie.png]

[Image: 2efm0qu.png]
[Image: pantsmaleblah.png]
[Image: xkn86b.png]
[Image: royalmaleset.png]

Euphemia's hair
[Image: euphemiashaironprocess2.png]
[Image: 2uptls5.png]
I tried a variation of Euphemia's hair.
[Image: xojwqh.png]

[Image: au9heq.png]
Old work *Might need modifications:

Minor modification to female sprites:
[Image: naturaldisaster.png]

Sitting*I'll change it to crossed legs next week*:
[Image: sittingmaybe.png]

Female Hairstyles:
[Image: hairpixelsnospritew.png]
[Image: hairwithnaturaldisaster.png]

Female Clothing:
[Image: piratefemaleclothes.png]
[Image: allfemaleswithpiratefem.png]
[Image: femalepirateclothingwit.png]

Male hairstyles:
[Image: emohair.png]
[Image: spriteswithmyfirsthairs.png]

Male Clothing:
[Image: fewmorechanges.png]
[Image: fewchangescombo.png]

[Image: piratehatcheckitout.png]
[Image: mypiratehatonmales.png]

[Image: glassesw.png]
[Image: glassesonppl.png]

[Image: lolmypiratehatmaybedone.png]
[Image: piratehatbrowndone.png]

[Image: grapplinghookpixelsdone.png]
[Image: femalepirateclothingwit.png]

[Image: flintlockp1.png]

Hooter Costume (not finished nor will it be unless it's appoved):
[Image: hootercostumestanding.png]
[Image: hootercostumewingsopen2.png]

So if anyone would like to hop aboard and program that would be great. WE ARE LOOKING FOR ISOMETRICS! IF YOU CAN DO IT WE WILL TAKE YOU! WE WILL EVEN PAY YOU GOOD MONEY!

Thanks! ;d
Graphics look like Maple Story..

First menu gui is misleading. There's nothing 3D about your game.

This is gonna possibly piss Rian off. >.>
The sprites are similar but not like Maplestory's.

[Image: compareu.png]

Sprites are taller, different body shape, the head is about same but features if you zoom in on them are different. Also, it isn't misleading i don't think, it was just really graphical, doesn't have to direct itself towards 3d. It was just fun and my friend whipped it up for us. But thanks for the heads up on Rian, i enjoy constructive criticism.
David David Wrote:The sprites are similar but not like Maplestory's.

[Image: compareu.png]

Sprites are taller, different body shape, the head is about same but features if you zoom in on them are different. Also, it isn't misleading i don't think, it was just really graphical, doesn't have to direct itself towards 3d. It was just fun and my friend whipped it up for us. But thanks for the heads up on Rian, i enjoy constructive criticism.

I was kidding about Rian. He's not even 100% sure he wants to do his pirate game. And I highly doubt your game is actually anything like his.

However, your sprites DO look like Maple Story. Not identical, but similar. Not sayin' that's bad, I just don't like them. I don't like Maple Story's either.

As for the 3D island in the other GUI.. Yeah, it's misleading.
Well then should i stick with the Brown one?
David David Wrote:Well then should i stick with the Brown one?

I think so. I like it so much more. It fits a lot better.
Alright that's good to know, and I'll have our artists change up the sprite heads and keep body since most items made so far were for those.
Thanks for your help.
Work on your shading Smile the game looks nice.
Thank you very much Rory, yes I'm not the artist, i have a team of about 6 people, 3 artists.
Oh btw, is your sprite base animated?
@Rory, yes it is and I'll post something later.

@Everyone else, thanks for the support, i'm gonna need it and maybe some help to get through this project.
If I am wrong then sorry if not then... what ever...

The sprites are good, I like them even though they are MS Rips, which you can tell from the Pirate hat.

The game looks interesting and I'd be up to playing it when it's released. I like Pirate games. Smile
They're not rips. You'd have to be an idiot to think that. They're just similar.
Thanks Matt for the help there it's hard to explain. The only thing that seems to be drawing attention is it's head. The body was drawn by our artist Stava. I will be posting more things later today as we work.

My friend just mocked this up from our scrapped engine what it should look like.
[Image: TESTFLOOR.png]

Just a test, nothing big, we will have it as looked. I will post walking animations, in a bit.

Walking animations need to be ironed out, we dropped some frames but, i think it kind of looks like leg is breaking, there working on it though.

[Image: anim_5d5d6c70-8bb0-afc4-a1c4-cd945071cdd1.gif]
Matt Wrote:They're not rips. You'd have to be an idiot to think that. They're just similar.

I'm an idiot. :mrgreen:

And also, the animates look good, the like the funny walking. lol :wink:
He walks like a queer Tongue.
Mithlomion Wrote:He walks like a queer Tongue.

Matt Wrote:
Mithlomion Wrote:He walks like a queer Tongue.

Still trying to work it out with the Artists.
Haha it's like he flings his leg out.
I really like your in-game GUI there.
The post is full of soft and sweet things, pirates are the opposite of sweet things.

Doesn't give me the pirate feeling at all.. Teddy bears, and pink hershey kisses monsters,
no no no.
[Image: TESTFLOOR.png]

If I saw a pirate like that I would run up and hug him.
GIAKEN Wrote:[Image: TESTFLOOR.png]

If I saw a pirate like that I would run up and hug him.

He'd pull out his cutlass and run you through cause he's a hardcore pirate like that!
Matt Wrote:
GIAKEN Wrote:[Image: TESTFLOOR.png]

If I saw a pirate like that I would run up and hug him.

He'd pull out his cutlass and run you through cause he's a hardcore pirate like that!

His sword would produce rainbows when it touches my skin.

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