Mirage Engine
Pirate Story Online - Printable Version

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Re: Pirate Story Online - Matt - 09-03-2009

You're right. I completely forgot about that.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 09-03-2009

The Bear and Polar bear are only for event items to drop for people, or the hide and seek game. The blob, is just a blob, pirates don't kill very much, other then humans. I'm not gonna make all the monsters a different kind of human. Therefore i will use monsters. Such as blob. There is ALWAYS going to be something in a game that doesn't have to fit in with the time frame.

But we aren't making the game on Mirage anymore i don't think. We have someone coding in C++ on a Isometric Engine he made along time ago.

Re: Pirate Story Online - Tony - 09-03-2009

And why are they so similar to Maple Story? It's like a generic.

Re: Pirate Story Online - Matt - 10-03-2009

His graphics remind me of Maple Story mixed with NaMz's work.

Re: Pirate Story Online - GIAKEN - 10-03-2009

The eyes are almost, if not, identical.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 12-03-2009

[Image: rezomg.jpg]

We finished the isometric part! ;D, coding custom engine.

Re: Pirate Story Online - Tony - 12-03-2009

Lol I just noticed that it's Pirate Story,

your probably basing alot of things off of MS huh?

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 12-03-2009

Actually tony it is all coincidence. The Sprites have a custom body, the head has different shape, the only thing you can REALLY pull off of is eyes and mouth, but the eyes drag out move, with a longer pupil. And mouth, i have no idea, they look the same, just more shading around it on ours

Re: Pirate Story Online - Anthony - 12-03-2009

Tony. You're being a douche. His sprites are similar but who cares? At least they aren't using RMXP.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 12-03-2009

Thank you anthony ;]

Re: Pirate Story Online - Tony - 12-03-2009

Anthony Wrote:Tony. You're being a douche. His sprites are similar but who cares? At least they aren't using RMXP.

Lol, you make it sound like I really dropped 1000 pounds on this topic.

He stated it was a coincidence, I didn't argue with that.

I can't find a reason to make a big deal out of it, I'm just saying it like it is,
Didn't know everyone could get so butt ugly about it.

Re: Pirate Story Online - timster0 - 12-03-2009

Tony Wrote:
Anthony Wrote:Tony. You're being a douche. His sprites are similar but who cares? At least they aren't using RMXP.
I'm just saying it like it is
"it is what it is..."

Meh, tony just stated what he thought and you took it in a bad way. I think the sprites are fine, so what if they are vaguely similar.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 13-03-2009

No it's no problem, i have no problem with some criticism.
Helps me think, and it let's me know what i need to work on or what i need to change.

Re: Pirate Story Online - Anthony - 13-03-2009

Well it's just that it seemed as if he was trying to accuse him of attempting to replicate Maple Story. Anyways. Sorry.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 14-03-2009

[Image: my.php?image=walk.png]

Well we finally got something up. This is the character walking on Engine. It's real plain and simple, no chat box, no inventory no anything, just a engine with the player movement, still a lot of things to take care of but things should start to move fairly quickly.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 15-03-2009

OKAY if you would like to test out the offline animation tests and landscape tests here they are.


Choose the second one the one that says landscape. The first one is sort of glitched, the second one only has 2 glitches, the screen flickers. Also the Character wants to face forward when stopped moving still. Will be changed, and will have a GUI coded in soon. Then it's on to client/server coding.

Re: Pirate Story Online - Mithlomion - 16-03-2009

That is pretty cool.. allthrough i'd be cooler i the tiles werent so big. And if you could walk straight to.

Re: Pirate Story Online - Tony - 16-03-2009

Yeah, that's cool.

Did you only have to draw 2 frames, and flip them? + animated them?

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 17-03-2009

I'm going to be posting an update later, we finally got a server up and stuff. So it won't be long till we code in our new animated GUI and get working.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 21-03-2009

Okay, we got a new GUI implemented, it's not finished, we have to make up picture screens for EVERYTHING, so we are making the rest of the GUI, then we have to loop everything through server, well what's needed. Then we can start creating the world. Here is a little screenshot.


Re: Pirate Story Online - Vans - 21-03-2009

ugly stone is ugly

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 21-03-2009

Oh no.
It was an environmental test. So we just ripped things off the internet.
We have it as Object not tile. So instead of placing 30 tiles to make a building. We place the whole object. And it worked so good stuff ;D

Re: Pirate Story Online - KruSuPhy - 22-03-2009

Big map is big ._.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 22-03-2009

Yah there's ALOT of land.

Re: Pirate Story Online - David David - 22-03-2009

Okay, i updated the front page on some art work, new GUIs, i know the GUIs are too big, so just click the link i provided under it.