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bmps as other files
is there a way to get vb to read bmps thru other files such as a DLL so it would be like sprites.dll ?
Just rename the file from tiles.bmp to tiles.dll and make it so the client tries to find that file and open it. It realy does not mather the name of the file and yes the content inside it.
Yeah, but if someone is smart, they'll just rename the dll file to a bmp file and get your gfx. So it's not exactly the smartest/best method.
true it stops the idiots... which hey they steal stuff most of the time but some smart people steal too..

for a better way look up graphics encryption on here beleive theres a tut around
Yeah, it's realy not the best method but it helps... I actualy don't use this, I use encrypted bmp, tutorial made by Verrigan. Try to find it out, probly is on the backup forums, maybe it's even here.
alright il try verrigans system, thanks guys

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