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Some help here please
Hey I have a problem with my frmNewChar (you make a new char and your choosing your class) it says 1 = Knight and 2 = 1
That makes no sense to me... shouldn't it be displaying the name of the second class in the list, not a number? and on top of that it doesn't show a sprite for the other class.

The weird thing is that I have done nothing other than adding female/male sprites to the load/save classes sub, so any idea what could be wrong(cuz it works in the origanal version.)
make everything being sent between the client and server is right, start with the "Create Account" button and follow the code through to the server. Sorta like connect the dots :p

Else, download a clean version of MSE and replace all the subs that deal with account/character creation.
Sorry it took so long to reply I was in a "Hurricane(tropical storm by the time it got to where I am)" but I couldn't get on the computer.

I fixed what what was causing the problem, I had to re-parse the entire newclass and new character packets so that the sprite choices were parse 2&3, but it works now.

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