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Drag and Drop Inventory
I'm sure many of you know most mmorpg's have the drag and drop arrange how you would like inventory. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas about how to get this done? I'm not sure if you would use 1 picbox and have maybe a system of a sort to divide it into sections. Then the item be drug and dropped in the areas. Im sure im making this quite confusing. But if I could get a little help it'd be extremely appreciated.
Hmm...not that hard.

You could do the drag and drop a picture box thing and when the click is let go you could do a check to see if that X and Y is in the range of the other area and if it is then you'd set the original picture box to blank and have the new area have the old picture box's picture and stuff.
Sure, if you want to use Elysium's shit Inventory system.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?

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