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CerberusV2 Archive - General questions
Post anything that doesn't fit under any of the other topics here.

Websites? Downloads?
OMG, I just checked my last post dates for this project.

Sorry, I should have posted some kind of update earlier.

Since summer last year I've been dealing with some fairly hefty issues in my life.
To cut a long story short, I lost all interest in the project, meaning nothing more has been done.

On a brighter note, things are clearing up a little now and I'm looking at getting back into my programming again. I've been learning a little about XHTML, CSS and softmodding a content management system for an engine support site.

Looking over the project, I don't think it's going to be as customizable as I'd first hoped.
It should however make a good base for hard coded game, bear with me and I'll package up the source code and release it under a license similar to MSE1/2 before I get underway with a re-write.

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