08-06-2006, 01:41 PM
These are highly recommended to check before you open your server, because they can be of great help. Remember that it's not always the source that needs to be edited in order to get speed. There are easier ways.
Do not copy this list to other forums without my permission. This list is created by William.
Easy Methods
1.1 Some Are Free: Many different ways to optimize your computer, modem, webbrowser:
Website 1: http://www.topshareware.com/guide/hot/optimize.htm
2.1 Not Free: It optimizes your dsl,adsl connection to max:
Website 1: http://www.dsl-speed.org/
3.1 Some Are Free: Optimizing your internet connection:
Website 1: http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Best ... imize.html
Website 2: http://www.download-free.programas-grat ... connection
4.1 Not Free: Optimize windows up to 750%:
Website 1: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/down ... _software/
5.1 Free: Boost your RAM:
Website 1: http://rambooster.net/
Website 2: http://www.tecchannel.de/services/frees ... nt/400456/
Website 3: http://www.winenhance.com/monitor-free-ram.html
Website 4: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/down ... M_18941_p/
Website 5: http://www.freewarefiles.com/programs.p ... goryid=204
5.2 Some Are Free: Great RAM boosters:
Website 1: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/down ... _software/
6.1 Free To Try Good tool to optimize your computer:
Website 1: http://www.amicutilities.com/optimize-computer/
6.2 Free: Optimize your computer by following the steps in this guide:
Website 1: http://www.pcmech.com/sysopt.htm
Advanced Methods
1.1 Free: Optimization of your computer (Guide):
Website 1: http://www.pcworld.com/resource/browse/ ... g,1,00.asp
Website 2: http://www.download.com/1200-2001-5059486.html
Website 3: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/SupportCD/index.html
Expert Methods
1.1 Free: Learn to optimize your computer:
Website 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimizati ... er_science)
Website 2: http://hardwarehell.com/optimize.shtml
2.1 Free: Check your Bandwidth and find ways to increase it:
Website 1: http://www.pcpitstop.com/internet/Bandwidth.asp
3.1 Not Free: Optimize your internet speed:
Website 1: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/down ... _software/
These are highly recommended to check before you open your server, because they can be of great help. Remember that it's not always the source that needs to be edited in order to get speed. There are easier ways.
Do not copy this list to other forums without my permission. This list is created by William.
Easy Methods
1.1 Some Are Free: Many different ways to optimize your computer, modem, webbrowser:
Website 1: http://www.topshareware.com/guide/hot/optimize.htm
2.1 Not Free: It optimizes your dsl,adsl connection to max:
Website 1: http://www.dsl-speed.org/
3.1 Some Are Free: Optimizing your internet connection:
Website 1: http://www.freedownloadscenter.com/Best ... imize.html
Website 2: http://www.download-free.programas-grat ... connection
4.1 Not Free: Optimize windows up to 750%:
Website 1: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/down ... _software/
5.1 Free: Boost your RAM:
Website 1: http://rambooster.net/
Website 2: http://www.tecchannel.de/services/frees ... nt/400456/
Website 3: http://www.winenhance.com/monitor-free-ram.html
Website 4: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/down ... M_18941_p/
Website 5: http://www.freewarefiles.com/programs.p ... goryid=204
5.2 Some Are Free: Great RAM boosters:
Website 1: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/down ... _software/
6.1 Free To Try Good tool to optimize your computer:
Website 1: http://www.amicutilities.com/optimize-computer/
6.2 Free: Optimize your computer by following the steps in this guide:
Website 1: http://www.pcmech.com/sysopt.htm
Advanced Methods
1.1 Free: Optimization of your computer (Guide):
Website 1: http://www.pcworld.com/resource/browse/ ... g,1,00.asp
Website 2: http://www.download.com/1200-2001-5059486.html
Website 3: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/SupportCD/index.html
Expert Methods
1.1 Free: Learn to optimize your computer:
Website 1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optimizati ... er_science)
Website 2: http://hardwarehell.com/optimize.shtml
2.1 Free: Check your Bandwidth and find ways to increase it:
Website 1: http://www.pcpitstop.com/internet/Bandwidth.asp
3.1 Not Free: Optimize your internet speed:
Website 1: http://www.freedownloadmanager.org/down ... _software/