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stuff to do with magic and magic editor.
I'm sorry but I can't stand reading your posts, and I don't think I'm alone. If you made your posts more readable, you might get more help, if you don't, then whatever. Just trying to help Smile Take it as you will.
Yes, William know's Mirage Better than anyone except Shannara because HE'S Been here longer than ALL of us, and he's the new owner of Mirage Source site and MSE Build 1.

Not to mention, they're also "to a better standing point" (whatever that means), and let's not forget that they're perfect becuase William's never made an error.
Sonire Wrote:Yes, William know's Mirage Better than anyone except Shannara because HE'S Been here longer than ALL of us, and he's the new owner of Mirage Source site and MSE Build 1.
Not to mention, they're also "to a better standing point" (whatever that means), and let's not forget that they're perfect becuase William's never made an error.
Being ironic is fun, but dont exaggerate Tongue You've been here longer than me Tongue ..
He was just trying to point out how stupid and ignorant he is trying to be, while doing a HORRIBLE job at sucking up. I didn't even see that the first time I glanced at it because I stopped reading after the first couple of shitty sentences.
He owns everything now Wink
Actually, Shannara sold me the:
-All forum + mysql files
-MSE (mirage source)

Which means I own everything on mirage source community. Sorry to make you dissapointed Dave Tongue
Yes, I can change the license, but I won't. well at least not till I fully read through all of it Tongue

I was just kidding.
Quote:You make it so the player can make a spell that is automatically in their spell list. the player can then use the spell if he has a high enough lv of some sort. the player then clicks on the icon of the spell. the spell then activates and you can use it bye pressing crtl or clicking on the person or npc to Attack. which then you can attack constantly untill the target is dead or untill you are dead.
What did you have problems with when you attempted to add this yourself?
You just don't fuckin get it do you? Wow...
Don't type like you are 4 years old, or you will be treated like you are 4 years old. Type so others can understand you and spell check your damn posts. Make sure you tried everything you can think of before asking a question. If you haven't noticed, you haven't been getting much help. That is because people realize you are simply asking for others to do your work, and not trying yourself. You come off to me as very ignorant and expecting others to baby you.
If you can't take the time to help others read and understand your posts and questions, why should they spend the time to decode your message? I think you are young, but that is NO excuse.

I may come off as an asshole, which I am, but it needs to be said(Although already has). Hopefully you will change, if not you will continue to receive little help. I am sorry to others for continuing to flame, but this is ridiculous

Now onto your problem. HOW would changing the error code thing from elysium help in adding spells to every newly created character and determining when they go to cast a spell whether they are allowed to cast it or not based on their level? I'll answer that myself. It doesn't help at all and hardly relates at all to your first problem. If you notice, the quote where I asked what you tried only involved that, not the things further in your post, I didn't want to waste my time reading it. You need to work on features one at a time. Not all at once.

Now I feel a little better.
Create two new spells, one for creating warp, one for warping to it. That would be a good start

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