20-10-2006, 05:11 PM
Difficulty: 1/5
Has it ever happened to you, that you send packets that does not exist? Well, if you add this, you will be warned when a packet is sent that does not have a reciever.
Tutorial Start: Client Side (IF)
First, make sure that all the If (LCase(Parse(0)) in Sub HandleData has a Exit Sub before the End if. Ex)
After that, at the bottom of of Sub HandleData, add this:
Server Side
Now make a listbox on the server and name it lstDebugPacket. Now anywere in Sub HandleData, add:
Now, make sure all If LCase(Parse(0)) in Sub HandleData has a ExitSub, as you did for the Client.
And at the bottom add:
Tutorial Start: Client Side (Select Case)
So now if you use select case, you use pretty much the same system, but at the bottom of Sub HandleData, instead of adding that line of code, you add this before it:
Thats it! Now when a packet that does not exist in your game/engine is found. It will be typed in the listbox, so you easily can debug and find it
Has it ever happened to you, that you send packets that does not exist? Well, if you add this, you will be warned when a packet is sent that does not have a reciever.
Tutorial Start: Client Side (IF)
First, make sure that all the If (LCase(Parse(0)) in Sub HandleData has a Exit Sub before the End if. Ex)
' ::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Weather packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::
If (LCase(Parse(0)) = "weather") Then
GameWeather = Val(Parse(1))
[b]Exit Sub[/b]
End If
Call SendData("PacketError" & SEP_CHAR & Parse(0) & SEP_CHAR & END_CHAR)
Server Side
Now make a listbox on the server and name it lstDebugPacket. Now anywere in Sub HandleData, add:
' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Type the packet error ::
' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
If LCase(Parse(0)) = "PacketError" Then
frmServer.lstDebugPacket.AddItem "Server-Client" & Parse(1) & " | " & date & " | " & time
End If
Now, make sure all If LCase(Parse(0)) in Sub HandleData has a ExitSub, as you did for the Client.
And at the bottom add:
frmServer.lstDebugPacket.AddItem "Client-Server" & Parse(1) & " | " & date & " | " & time
Tutorial Start: Client Side (Select Case)
So now if you use select case, you use pretty much the same system, but at the bottom of Sub HandleData, instead of adding that line of code, you add this before it:
Case Else
Thats it! Now when a packet that does not exist in your game/engine is found. It will be typed in the listbox, so you easily can debug and find it