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Extra Shop stuff
I was working on the shop tile type that ShadowDragon asked about, but in my own spare time from working on that I have been trying to make a visual shop system - and a better selling system but neither one are coming out to any good results. I was wondering if anyone could assist me in figuring out the visual shop, I have somewhat worked out the visual invy.

Thanks in advance for any help,
Korrey D.
I'm not sure how it would work, prolly a bit like the visual inventory, only don't use an array for the picboxes, as the items don't get shuffled, and then all you really have to do is pull the sprite for that item and blit it into the respected picbox.

Elysium, I think, has this. Not sure.
Well I'm thinking of trying it like the one from D-bugged Konfuze. and then making it so that when you make a shop, it scans for the images, and then saves them like it does when you save a class or item.

1. Pick image for item
2. Store searches item.bmp/item.ini and finds the item
3. When you click save store, it saves as (w/enameis).sdl
itemtype=w/e the item type is

lol, simplest way I'm thinking of. Is making a new editor called dealeditor, and editing the deals through there, which would be saved in binary formatt, then the shops are still edited through /editshop(shopeditor) you pick as many out of 20 deals for a shop, which are selected through combo boxes on frmeditshop. lol, I'll be working on that for a little while though... please if someone could help me work on the visual shop system... PLEASE!!!!!!!
Well I remember there being a drag tutorial, use that, and then look in dark_echos(I think) signs tutorial for the infront of click thingy. and make it where you assign a image to the "SHOP_TILE_TYPE" when you go to assign it to a tile.
That really isn't the easy way.

If your shop has only 8 total items available, then you place 8 different pic boxes on the form, or picbox, however you're doing it.

Then, in say.. picShopItem1, you have it blit the image for the item in the shops number 1 slot, and so on. Very simple, imo.

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