01-07-2019, 07:03 PM
Bored browsing and read through the old 'whats up?' thread. Ahh nostalgia.
So, its been 7 years since the last (as of the most recent backup/restore) thread. How has everyone been doing? I hope well!
I've uh... Well, 2012 was when I graduated highschool, so then there was 2 years of university (architecture/engineering) that I hated and then dropped out. Worked at a golf course for a couple months before having an internship at a sustainability green research place down in Austin, TX. That lasted only a few months as well, owner was some questionable ethics to me. Now I've been working at a land surveying firm for the last 4ish years, working on getting my professional license.
Got married a couple years back to my highschool sweet heart, we got a little house (actually, was her great grand-dad's house he built back in the '40s, newly rebuilt), new car, couple dogs and a cat. Roommate is an old friend of mine, we've been getting into shenanigans like making home made smoke bombs. Took a gunsmithing class out of interest at the local vo-tech. Started a company for producing airsoft events (that's a bit of an overstatement, we've only got one event, cause we are too lazy to put in the effort to produce more, but its pretty successful). Went back to college and got an Associates in land surveying.
(I should clarify, it's not all been easy and peachy. Money's been tight, the wife is still working on her Master's and can only work part time, and I've been helping get her through school. But we are making it, all bills are met and we've still got food, so it can't be too bad.)
I've gotten into D&D in the past year or two, that's been my big hobby thing for a while. I'm a terrible DM but it's still fun.
I don't think I've touched VB6 for anything related to MS since highschool, and I've only dabbled here and there with game dev in general. But I get the bug every once in a while.
So, its been 7 years since the last (as of the most recent backup/restore) thread. How has everyone been doing? I hope well!
I've uh... Well, 2012 was when I graduated highschool, so then there was 2 years of university (architecture/engineering) that I hated and then dropped out. Worked at a golf course for a couple months before having an internship at a sustainability green research place down in Austin, TX. That lasted only a few months as well, owner was some questionable ethics to me. Now I've been working at a land surveying firm for the last 4ish years, working on getting my professional license.
Got married a couple years back to my highschool sweet heart, we got a little house (actually, was her great grand-dad's house he built back in the '40s, newly rebuilt), new car, couple dogs and a cat. Roommate is an old friend of mine, we've been getting into shenanigans like making home made smoke bombs. Took a gunsmithing class out of interest at the local vo-tech. Started a company for producing airsoft events (that's a bit of an overstatement, we've only got one event, cause we are too lazy to put in the effort to produce more, but its pretty successful). Went back to college and got an Associates in land surveying.
(I should clarify, it's not all been easy and peachy. Money's been tight, the wife is still working on her Master's and can only work part time, and I've been helping get her through school. But we are making it, all bills are met and we've still got food, so it can't be too bad.)
I've gotten into D&D in the past year or two, that's been my big hobby thing for a while. I'm a terrible DM but it's still fun.
I don't think I've touched VB6 for anything related to MS since highschool, and I've only dabbled here and there with game dev in general. But I get the bug every once in a while.