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[Bug Fix-3.79] Download Maps
Thanks to Genusis for finding this.

If you delete all the maps client side, you would not download the map.

In: HandleCheckForMap
If FileExist(MAP_PATH & "map" & X & MAP_EXT, False) Then
         Call LoadMap(X)
         ' Check to see if the revisions match
         NeedMap = 1
         If Map.Revision = Y Then
             ' We do so we dont need the map
             'Call SendData(CNeedMap & SEP_CHAR & "n" & END_CHAR)
             NeedMap = 0
         End If
     End If

NeedMap = 1
     If FileExist(MAP_PATH & "map" & X & MAP_EXT, False) Then
         Call LoadMap(X)
         ' Check to see if the revisions match
         If Map.Revision = Y Then
             ' We do so we dont need the map
             'Call SendData(CNeedMap & SEP_CHAR & "n" & END_CHAR)
             NeedMap = 0
         End If
     End If

I will update the download shortly.
Ok thanks..

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