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Starting up the server?
hey, im not really sure how to start the server. im kind of new to VB 6.0, do i just open server.vbp and compress it as a .exe?


Yes, thats the way to do it. Or you can just press F5 and run it from visual basic to test it out.
Thanks, but

I get the -2147467259 (80004005)':

when i click debug it highlights over Conn_Client.Open

Do you know how to fix this?

i know in most finished games you have to register a certain.dll or .ocx file im pretty sure
Conn_Client.Open? Were do you find that line of code? what source are you using? Install library files: ... php?t=1140
Mirage 3.0.7 in ModDatabase

[Image: untitled1copybi5.gif]

Im using VB 6.0 enterprise
i honestly dont know, it just says VB 6.0 enterprise edition

I did fix the error i was getting but now i get a compile error (variable not defined) on the MAX_ MAPX

Public Const START_MAP = 1
Public Const START_X = MAX_MAPX / 2
Public Const START_Y = MAX_MAPY / 2
You are using a difficuly ms version. I suggest you download Mirage Source Engine 1.
alright, thanks
Swordmaster Wrote:alright, thanks
But of course we support you if you now decide to use 3.0.7.
yea 3.0.7 did seem hard but i just got build 1 to work so ill be with that for a while thanks Smile
Swordmaster Wrote:yea 3.0.7 did seem hard but i just got build 1 to work so ill be with that for a while thanks Smile
Just so you know, MySQL isn't really a better option. It kinda depends on your taste.Hope you enjoy you stay here in the community Smile
i have Visual Basic 2008 Express edition. How do i convert the vbp to exe?
You'll want to compile.
i know im so stupid for this but, how?
You need VB6. VS wont work.
well, that sure does explain how i couldnt find the button -.-
You can compile projects in VS too.. Just Mirage wasn't programmed with VS, so even if you could compile it, there would be errors.
i tried with vs after having to convert it and it didnt even run so yeah i know what u mean now.
ok, i compiled it and its working. Now i have another problem, somehow i managed to delete the vbp file....where can i find a decompiler so i can get it back?
What? You deleted the .vbp for your server? Just reupload another one.
i made changes to teh original vbp....>.> and i know im an idiot but i dont remember exactly which ones...-.-
I don't know what to tell you other than just upload a new copy and start again.
You can't use Mirage with Visual Basic 2008, It's Visual Basic .NET, wich is In-compatible with VisualBasic 6.0.
The Convertor Fails horridly so it is impossible to use it with that. Just Pirate a copy of VB6 or find one on Ebay or something.

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