Doomy Wrote:when fps unlocked
there is a recieving map error when starting up
I took out an unneeded "DoEvents" that was in the gameloop. If you 'unlock' the fps now, you need to add a "DoEvents".
Code: ' ' Lock fps
' Do While GetTickCount < Tick + 25
' DoEvents
' Sleep 1
' Loop
To fix a small error with AlertMsg not working.
Server Side
Replace the current AlertMsg with this:
Code: Public Sub AlertMsg(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal Msg As String)
Dim Buffer As clsBuffer
Set Buffer = New clsBuffer
Buffer.PreAllocate Len(Msg) + 4
Buffer.WriteInteger SAlertMsg
Buffer.WriteString Msg
Call SendDataTo(Index, Buffer.ToArray)
Call CloseSocket(Index)
End Sub
I've updated the download, so you probably won't have to fix this.
Why does the client freeze a bit at the start? Is it because its still loading something? I didn't see the frmSendGetData form open.
Beres Wrote:Why does the client freeze a bit at the start? Is it because its still loading something? I didn't see the frmSendGetData form open.
I don't notice anything. Anyone else get this problem?
I dunno if anyone has checked, but when you change things in the Map, Npc, Item, Shop, or Spell UDT; You do not need to add anything to the 'Edit' packet. It automatically sends everything in the UDT. You do have to make sure the client and server UDTs are exactly the same though.
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Dynamic sprite sizes and y-based rendering ftw.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin, you need to expand your programming knowledge and skills. Working with MS4 and other Generic engines won't likely get you places. Maybe a little money from helping code things for people. But you should try working on a SERIOUS project if not already, that could potentially bring in players. Then be smart, and after a decent amount of people join put out a Item mall like the asians ;P. Just make a bunch of random junk that looks cool that has no real affect on stats. Suckers really go for those.
David David Wrote:Robin, you need to expand your programming knowledge and skills. Working with MS4 and other Generic engines won't likely get you places. Maybe a little money from helping code things for people. But you should try working on a SERIOUS project if not already, that could potentially bring in players. Then be smart, and after a decent amount of people join put out a Item mall like the asians ;P. Just make a bunch of random junk that looks cool that has no real affect on stats. Suckers really go for those.
Back on topic please.
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Joined: Jun 2006
David David Wrote:Robin, you need to expand your programming knowledge and skills. Working with MS4 and other Generic engines won't likely get you places. Maybe a little money from helping code things for people. But you should try working on a SERIOUS project if not already, that could potentially bring in players. Then be smart, and after a decent amount of people join put out a Item mall like the asians ;P. Just make a bunch of random junk that looks cool that has no real affect on stats. Suckers really go for those.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Is there any difference between MS4 and MS 3.0.3? I would like to know what are the advantages/disadvantages to each thanks.
DarkPhoenix Wrote:Is there any difference between MS4 and MS 3.0.3? I would like to know what are the advantages/disadvantages to each thanks.
Way too much to list. Why not just take a look at both versions of the source? Even MSE1 is better than 303.
dark don't even bother using anything other then ms4
Well MS 3.0.3 is the earliest release out which would give the user much more they can add without worrying about messy code. On the other hand MS4 would be optimized right away but it will have features included with it. I would like to know a general pro/con of each if anyone can do that for me :/
Umm MS4 doesn't come with's a fixed up version of all the previous crappy versions.
MS 303 Features:
MS4 Features:
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Joined: Jun 2006
MS4 programming standard:
MS3.0.3 programing standard:
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
So MS4 is easier to program with?
it has more standardize coding, it is easier to read and work though once you find out how to do it.
everything is in groups like the map editor stuff all the editors are in one section.
I say if your learning vb6 do ms4
alright then ^^. MS4 it is.
Have any more errors been found?
Here's one:
/warpto kicks admin for text modification
To fix the warp issue, replace the "WarpTo" sub with this:
Code: Public Sub WarpTo(ByVal MapNum As Long)
Dim Buffer As clsBuffer
Set Buffer = New clsBuffer
Buffer.PreAllocate 6
Buffer.WriteInteger CWarpTo
Buffer.WriteLong MapNum
Call SendData(Buffer.ToArray())
End Sub
Updated the download.
lol, I love how I had to change the server and client ports to match, as well as make sure that both server and client SEP_CHAR and END_CHAR's match, before I could even login to MS4.
Also 3_79 lags like fuck for me.
Nean Wrote:lol, I love how I had to change the server and client ports to match, as well as make sure that both server and client SEP_CHAR and END_CHAR's match, before I could even login to MS4.
Also 3_79 lags like fuck for me.
The first part he's talking about are in 3.78, they are fixed in 3.79.
I'll talk to you more to see what's going on with lag.
For the lag....
When you are by yourself the movement and everything is OK and working properly but if there are other players you see them jump all over the map.