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Delete Account
Hey guys/girls as you know I started from a blank version of MSE, but I noticed a problem with it's frmDeleteAccount.... I was looking at it for a few minutes, and well I'll just give the code.

Private Sub lblConnect_Click()
If Trim(txtName.Text)  "" And Trim(txtPassword.Text)  "" Then
ElseIf Trim(txtName.Text) = "" And Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your login name and password!", vbOKOnly)
ElseIf Trim(txtName.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your login name!", vbOKOnly)
ElseIf Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your password!", vbOKOnly)
End If
End Sub

Note: this is from MSE frmDeleteAccount

and then theres this one
Private Sub lblConnect_Click()
If Trim(txtName.Text)  "" And Trim(txtPassword.Text)  "" Then
ElseIf Trim(txtName.Text) = "" And Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your login name and password!", vbOKOnly)
ElseIf Trim(txtName.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your login name!", vbOKOnly)
ElseIf Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your password!", vbOKOnly)
End If
End Sub
this is from form login... Now I'm pretty sure if you look over both of them you'll see what I noticed was wrong. Now I'm not sure if this whats up with it but no player can delete there account(you actually have to ask a admin to delete it for you) could someone please assisst me in fixing this, becaus I have tried multiple things but nothing works.

Thanks in advance,
Korrey D.


Nevermind I fixed it... for anyone who has the same problem I did(which seems to be just in general in MSE) open your frmDeleteAccount and double click picconnect and replace the code

Private Sub lblConnect_Click()
If Trim(txtName.Text)  "" And Trim(txtPassword.Text)  "" Then
ElseIf Trim(txtName.Text) = "" And Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your login name and password!", vbOKOnly)
ElseIf Trim(txtName.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your login name!", vbOKOnly)
ElseIf Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then
Call MsgBox("Please enter your password!", vbOKOnly)
End If
End Sub

Private Sub picConnect_Click()
    If Trim(txtName.Text)  "" And Trim(txtPassword.Text)  "" Then
        Call MenuState(MENU_STATE_DELACCOUNT)
    End If
End Sub
Frm delete account before deletes individual characters (i believe)

It seemed to not even do that for me, it was somewhat like this
1. click delete acount
2. type name & password
3. hit enter and start playing the game

That doesn't seem right to me, well anyway with that code it fixes it and actually delete's the account.
Yeah but none theless I still want the option to be there for 'em
I took the option out. I hate it when I get players coming to me saying things like:

"I clicked the wrong thing, and deleted my account, is it possible for me to get it back?"

Some people are stupid, so, I've been taking anything out like that.
Yeah but I think of it like this, if there stupid, there stupid, that's there problem.
I don't really want people able to delete whole accounts. I'm going to implement a warning system as well, where if I warn a player, that character can not be deleted, as it might store some information about whether or not that player was involved in some shady business, and if they delete the character or the account, how can I find this stuff out?

Alot of people are stupid, but not all, but I don't have the paitence for those messages.
Yeah, the thing here though is that when you click DELETEACCOUNT, it says "YOUR ON THE PATH TO DELETING A CHARACTER" then the commands yes/no, so if there dumb enough to click "YES" after reading that, than they deserve to have it deleted.
The ONLY thing that can come of character/account deletion is if people get hacked, they lose everything =P

WHY NOT INSTEAD of deleting accounts, simply have it copy that account to a deleted folder then delete the original account. Then you have backups incase anyone fucks up/is hacked.

Or just have it rename the account file to deleted-acc num- or some such
Then apparently, you made something in the wrong area. To do that, you would just need to edit the menu state delete account stuff, nothing else. So, I don't know why that happened to you.
Advocate Wrote:I took the option out. I hate it when I get players coming to me saying things like:

"I clicked the wrong thing, and deleted my account, is it possible for me to get it back?"

Some people are stupid, so, I've been taking anything out like that.

Simple solution...

If InputBox(Are you sure?) ... etc.etc.etc
If InputBox(Positive?)... etc.etc.etc
If InputBox(Absolutely want to?)... etc.etc.etc
If InputBox(You know there's no turning back?)... etc.etc.etc
If InputBox(Okay to proceed?)... etc.etc.etc
If InputBox(100% okay with your decision?)... etc.etc.etc
If InputBox(Gunna PM an admin saying you accidently deleted your account after clicking okay 6 times allready?)... etc.etc.etc
If InputBox(Account deleted, have a nice day)... etc.etc.etc

Lol... and then make a little piece of code like the following:

**** Note this is for my own personal ammusement *****




If LCase(Parse(0)) = "clickage" Then
              Call PutVar(app.path & "\data\hehe.ini", "HEHE", "HEHE", GetPlayerName(index) & " clicked 'em all hehe!")
       End If

Then post the stats on your website for all to see ! Smile
Shadow Dragon Wrote:I think that I'm just going to put the delete account lbl inside once you've logged in.

That wroks too I guess :roll:
Yeah I already did that, and now I'm working on making a SPRPG that you can select in the main menu
Menu List

Single Player

then when you click multi-player it brings up the usual menu, and when you click SP you get a menu that has
New Account - New character
Delete Account - Delete character

(probably not going to add new/delete account, also the SPRPG is going to use DX8 and I'll be working on converting MSE and MS3.0.3./.7 to DX8)

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