Nean Wrote:Is FreeBASIC good for anything? 
And yes, since it's Based on QBasic and so is VB6 it's Near compatible, so porting is easy.
It's Fast, Compiles natively and runs on Windows, DOS and Linux(x86)
Plus you can use ANY C/C++ Library by Translating the header files.
FreeBASIC comes with FMOD, OpenGL and SDL Support right out of the installer. (plus like 80 or so librarys)
and also has Support for Irrlicht and stuff.
Nearly 100% compatible with QBasic if i might add.
And has OOP support. (Yet since i'm not such a good coder (or barely a coder) i have no idea how Object Oriented Programming is diffrent from regular.. or Procedural whatever.)
It's on Par with RealBASIC or PowerBASIC, i remember reading about it but i cant be arsed.
And on the Plusser side, It's BASIC. How can you go wrong? ;D