12-08-2006, 01:08 AM
Difficulty: Medium 3/5
Credits : Missunderstood , Verrigan
This tutorial will show you how to modify a vanilla copy of Mirage Source 3.0.3/3.0.7 to put in scrolling maps. This has only been tested on vanilla Mirage Source 3.0.3/3.0.7, and is not guaranteed to work with your code.
Me : Krloz tested it on a blank MSE and it worked but with the bug mentioned on the bottom
With my version of scrolling maps, the player will always be in the center tile of the screen. (Or 1 left/1 up from center, depending on how big you make your maps. x = 8, y = 6 on standard vanilla 3.0.3/3.0.7) Any tile that is off the map will be filled with black.
Files to Modify
Each portion of this tutorial is broken up by file, which is how I intend to break down every tutorial I post on this forum, even in cases such as this one that we only modify one file. If enough people want to see this in action before making changes, I may put up a temporary (vanilla) server/client..
Anyways.. Let's begin.
ModGameLogic is where the game handles all of the imagery that you see in the game. I'm going to show you from the top of the file to the bottom.
In Sub GameLoop()
Replace this code:
With this code
In Sub EditorMouseDown
Replace this code:
With this code :
In Sub PlayerSearch
Replace this code:
with this
This section added on April 4th
Delete this code:
Under this code:
Add this code:
The only bug I see is when u use 25+ X,Y's the player moves out of the screen and you wont be avaible to see your char still messing to see how to fix it
Credits : Missunderstood , Verrigan
This tutorial will show you how to modify a vanilla copy of Mirage Source 3.0.3/3.0.7 to put in scrolling maps. This has only been tested on vanilla Mirage Source 3.0.3/3.0.7, and is not guaranteed to work with your code.
Me : Krloz tested it on a blank MSE and it worked but with the bug mentioned on the bottom
With my version of scrolling maps, the player will always be in the center tile of the screen. (Or 1 left/1 up from center, depending on how big you make your maps. x = 8, y = 6 on standard vanilla 3.0.3/3.0.7) Any tile that is off the map will be filled with black.
Files to Modify
Each portion of this tutorial is broken up by file, which is how I intend to break down every tutorial I post on this forum, even in cases such as this one that we only modify one file. If enough people want to see this in action before making changes, I may put up a temporary (vanilla) server/client..
Anyways.. Let's begin.
ModGameLogic is where the game handles all of the imagery that you see in the game. I'm going to show you from the top of the file to the bottom.
In Sub GameLoop()
Replace this code:
' Release DC
Call DD_BackBuffer.ReleaseDC(TexthDC)
' Get the rect for the back buffer to blit from
With rec
.top = 0
.Bottom = (MAX_MAPY + 1) * PIC_Y
.Left = 0
.Right = (MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X
End With
' Get the rect to blit to
Call DX.GetWindowRect(frmMirage.picScreen.hWnd, rec_pos)
With rec_pos
.Bottom = .top + ((MAX_MAPY + 1) * PIC_Y)
.Right = .Left + ((MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X)
End With
' Blit the backbuffer
Call DD_PrimarySurf.Blt(rec_pos, DD_BackBuffer, rec, DDBLT_WAIT)
With this code
' Release DC
Call DD_BackBuffer.ReleaseDC(TexthDC)
Dim MapXOffset As Integer, MapYOffset As Integer
Dim PXOffset As Long, PYOffset As Long
Dim bRec As RECT, tRec As RECT
MapXOffset = Int(MAX_MAPX / 2) - GetPlayerX(MyIndex)
MapYOffset = Int(MAX_MAPY / 2) - GetPlayerY(MyIndex)
PXOffset = Player(MyIndex).XOffset
PYOffset = Player(MyIndex).YOffset
' Get the rect for the back buffer to blit from
If MapYOffset < 0 Then
rec.top = Abs(MapYOffset) * PIC_Y
rec.Bottom = (MAX_MAPY + 1) * PIC_Y
rec.top = 0
rec.Bottom = PIC_Y * ((MAX_MAPY + 1) - MapYOffset)
End If
If MapXOffset < 0 Then
rec.Left = Abs(MapXOffset) * PIC_X
rec.Right = (MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X
rec.Left = 0
rec.Right = PIC_X * ((MAX_MAPX + 1) - MapXOffset)
End If
' Get the rect to blit to
Call DX.GetWindowRect(frmMirage.picScreen.hWnd, tRec)
If MapYOffset < 0 Then
rec_pos.top = tRec.top
rec_pos.top = tRec.top + MapYOffset * PIC_Y
End If
rec_pos.Bottom = rec_pos.top + (rec.Bottom - rec.top)
If MapXOffset < 0 Then
rec_pos.Left = tRec.Left
rec_pos.Left = tRec.Left + MapXOffset * PIC_X
End If
rec_pos.Right = rec_pos.Left + (rec.Right - rec.Left)
' Handle player movement offsets.
If GetPlayerY(MyIndex) = Int(MAX_MAPY / 2) And PYOffset > 0 Then
rec.top = rec.top + PYOffset
rec_pos.Bottom = rec_pos.Bottom - PYOffset
ElseIf GetPlayerX(MyIndex) = Int(MAX_MAPX / 2) And PXOffset > 0 Then
rec.Left = rec.Left + PXOffset
rec_pos.Right = rec_pos.Right - PXOffset
If rec.Left = 0 Then
rec_pos.Left = rec_pos.Left - PXOffset
rec.Right = rec.Right + PXOffset
End If
If rec.Right = PIC_X * (MAX_MAPX + 1) Then
rec_pos.Right = rec_pos.Right - PXOffset
rec.Left = rec.Left + PXOffset
End If
If rec.top = 0 Then
rec_pos.top = rec_pos.top - PYOffset
rec.Bottom = rec.Bottom + PYOffset
End If
If rec.Bottom = PIC_Y * (MAX_MAPY + 1) Then
rec_pos.Bottom = rec_pos.Bottom - PYOffset
rec.top = rec.top + PYOffset
End If
End If
'Fill in unfilled horizontal portions of the map with black.
If MapYOffset < 0 Then
bRec.top = rec_pos.Bottom
bRec.Bottom = tRec.Bottom
bRec.Bottom = rec_pos.top
bRec.top = tRec.top
End If
bRec.Left = tRec.Left
bRec.Right = bRec.Left + (PIC_X * (MAX_MAPX + 1))
Call DD_PrimarySurf.BltColorFill(bRec, 0)
'Fill in unfilled vertical portions of the map with black.
bRec.top = tRec.top
bRec.Bottom = tRec.top + (PIC_Y * (MAX_MAPY + 1))
If MapXOffset < 0 Then
bRec.Left = rec_pos.Right
bRec.Right = tRec.Right
bRec.Right = rec_pos.Left
bRec.Left = tRec.Left
End If
Call DD_PrimarySurf.BltColorFill(bRec, 0)
' Blit the backbuffer
Call DD_PrimarySurf.Blt(rec_pos, DD_BackBuffer, rec, DDBLT_WAIT)
In Sub EditorMouseDown
Replace this code:
Public Sub EditorMouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim x1, y1 As Long
If InEditor Then
x1 = Int(x / PIC_X)
y1 = Int(y / PIC_Y)
With this code :
Public Sub EditorMouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim x1, y1 As Long
If InEditor Then
x1 = Int(x / PIC_X) + (Player(MyIndex).x - Int(MAX_MAPX / 2))
y1 = Int(y / PIC_Y) + (Player(MyIndex).y - Int(MAX_MAPY / 2))
In Sub PlayerSearch
Replace this code:
Sub PlayerSearch(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim x1 As Long, y1 As Long
x1 = Int(x / PIC_X)
y1 = Int(y / PIC_Y)
with this
Sub PlayerSearch(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Dim x1 As Long, y1 As Long
x1 = Int(x / PIC_X) + (Player(MyIndex).x - Int(MAX_MAPX / 2))
y1 = Int(y / PIC_Y) + (Player(MyIndex).y - Int(MAX_MAPY / 2))
Delete this code:
' Blit the text they are putting in
Call DrawText(TexthDC, 0, (MAX_MAPY + 1) * PIC_Y - 20, MyText, RGB(255, 255, 255))
' Draw map name
If Map.Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Then
Call DrawText(TexthDC, Int((MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X / 2) - (Int(Len(Trim(Map.Name)) / 2) * 8), 1, Trim(Map.Name), QBColor(BrightRed))
Call DrawText(TexthDC, Int((MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X / 2) - (Int(Len(Trim(Map.Name)) / 2) * 8), 1, Trim(Map.Name), QBColor(White))
End If
' Check if we are getting a map, and if we are tell them so
'If GettingMap = True Then
' Call DrawText(TexthDC, 50, 50, "Receiving Map...", QBColor(BrightCyan))
'End If
Under this code:
' Blit the backbuffer
Call DD_PrimarySurf.Blt(rec_pos, DD_BackBuffer, rec, DDBLT_WAIT)
Add this code:
' Blit the text they are putting in
TexthDC = frmMirage.picScreen.hdc
Call DrawText(TexthDC, 0, (MAX_MAPY + 1) * PIC_Y - 20, MyText, RGB(255, 255, 255))
' Draw map name
If Map.Moral = MAP_MORAL_NONE Then
Call DrawText(TexthDC, Int((MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X / 2) - (Int(Len(Trim(Map.Name)) / 2) * 8), 1, Trim(Map.Name), QBColor(BrightRed))
Call DrawText(TexthDC, Int((MAX_MAPX + 1) * PIC_X / 2) - (Int(Len(Trim(Map.Name)) / 2) * 8), 1, Trim(Map.Name), QBColor(White))
End If
' Check if we are getting a map, and if we are tell them so
'If GettingMap = True Then
' Call DrawText(TexthDC, 50, 50, "Receiving Map...", QBColor(BrightCyan))
'End If
Quote: his tutorial has been tested in vanilla 3.0.3/3.0.7, and works great. I'm sure there are other ways to do this, and maybe even cleaner ways, but it works great for me.Feel free to post any suggestions/questions/gripes.
Remember that this was made for vanilla 3.0.3/3.0.7, so make sure you remember that if you apply this to your already modified client.. You may need to add/change this code a bit to work with a modified client.
I redid this code from scratch today. You don't have to mess with any of the blt subroutines anymore. As you can see, the code has shrunk quite a bit, and I added some more comments... It's a little simpler than the last code I had, but you will still need to make changes to it to match your source. The description of what the code does still applies, so I didn't change any of that. Pretty much all I changed was the code, and this message.
[Edit Again]
Modified some of the description, and confirmed that this code works in 3.0.7 as well.
Also noticed a "bug" with on-screen display of typed text (It scrolls, too).. Something for you to fix on your own.(I'm going to use a text box
[Modified Difficulty]
Edited post to show actual difficulty, which I forgot to change with the new code. I chose medium because it isn't hard at all, but some people want to scroll larger maps than the picscreen, which is going to take more coding. Others want to have it stop scrolling when you reach the edge, which is more coding as well. So medium seemed right to me.
[Edited on 4/4/05]
Added the changes required to print the map name and the text a user is typing in the proper position, rather than having it scroll with the map.
The only bug I see is when u use 25+ X,Y's the player moves out of the screen and you wont be avaible to see your char still messing to see how to fix it