That's basically giving the player a LOT of extra xp.
If you have 10 spd, and you get 100 xp, that's 1000 exp, for a bonus of 500 xp, since you divide it by 2. Lol.
yea I fixed it lmao, I relaized that after I killed omehitng giving 5 exp :/
i got another question, See, I made it so that depending on the NPC's Speed and Your speed, the NPC can miss its attack on you, but 9/10 NPC attacks are missssed even if their Speed is higher then mine.. Heres the check code
Function CanNpcMiss(ByVal index As Long, NpcNum As Long) As Boolean
Dim i As Long, n As Long
CanNpcMiss = False
If Npc(NpcNum).SPEED >= GetPlayerSPEED(index) Then
CanNpcMiss = False
n = Int(Rnd * 2)
If n = 1 Then
i = Int(GetPlayerSPEED(index))
n = Int(Rnd * Npc(NpcNum).SPEED) + 1
If n
Try changing:
n = Int(Rnd * 2)
n = Int(Rnd * 2) + 1
See if that works.
Is Randomize Timer called anywhere in the source? Hopefully just once on form load.
Randomize Timer is more random then just Randomize.
Randomize reseeds the pseudo random sequence generated by Rnd. Unfortunately (because it uses a two byte hash) it only has access to a small portion of the full sequence (1/256th of 2^24 possible entry points). Calling it more than once does not make the sequence more Random it increases the chances of a repeat sequences coming up.
As a side note, rather than calling Randomize at all you can use Rnd -number to reseed Rnd. This provides full access to the sequence and so gets more out of Rnd than reseeding with Randomize.
[code]Private Sub Form_Load()
Rnd -Now - Timer '