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Legacy of Aein
the GUI is iffy, to say the least Smile

mostly just mess around with clicking the more buttons, and always remember that the close button should be in the bottom right hand corner of the menu Smile

shaded mentioned something about a guide earlier, too.
Thanks for everyone who tested the game. We were able to locate some bugs that needed to be fixed. I will leave the game up for a few more hours. The next time we test the game there will be 30 minute ticks and I will leave the game up for a week. I will post the fixes and changes shortly.
I didn't get to test again. :O

& Matt, he meant me. Lawl. I wanted to use my damn suggestions. >Sad
It's ok Matt. I will post the next test date soon. I just finished fixing most of the bugs. Next update players will be able to destroy buildings. I am hoping to open another test on Wednesday March 4th, but I will confirm this shortly.

Future Updates

Setting Draft % for a city.
Destroying Buildings
Unit Types(Swordsmen, Archers, Spearmen, Axemen, Lancers)
Production Page(shows stats of all cities and what they are producing and consuming)
Wins/Losses recorded
City Size caps/Expansion Methods

These are possible updates within the next couple of weeks.
I've been designing the kingdom layout recently. There will be different ranks within a kingdom. The ruler of the kingdom will pick the titles of each rank. Each rank will have a level of authority and power within the kingdom.

Also, the ruler will decide on which style the kingdom will play as. (Imperial, Barbaric, Pirate, etc).

The style of the kingdom will affect all of the members slightly. For example, a Pirate kingdom will have slight bonuses to pillaging cities, combat on water, and ship speed. They will also be able to train a unique unit. Also the city images and such will also be different than to an imperial.

A kingdom also will gain in experience. The more wins/losses and donated resources will help expand the attributes of the entire kingdom. The ruler of the kingdom will have the option to use these resources not for themselves, but to increase the overall kingdom ability and to pick certain paths that the kingdom will take. A leader will not have the ability to disband a kingdom, therefor thwarting all the work that others have put into. It will be passed down to the next in command.

These are just some thoughts. Any comments will be taken to mind.
heh, nice!

although i think for a disbanding of the kingdom, the leader should be able to post something like a vote for disbandtion(?), if 2/3 of the members vote yes, then it'd will be disbanded, could be as simple as a little "Disband Kingdom? Yes or No" at the bottom of the kingdom menu. Which will only show up if the leader turns it on.
heh, seems im back to doing graphic work again Smile

anyway, my first task so far, a new GUI (all testers know how bad LoA needs it)

[Image: guiv2bpre.png]
New font please.
I promise ill make you a cool gui this week, your game deserves it Smile
Vans Wrote:I promise ill make you a cool gui this week, your game deserves it Smile

I'm excited to see it!
The GUI actually looks good. I will probably have the server up Tuesday night through Wednesday. I didn't get a chance to add a lot of features, but I was able to fix every bug that we found during last testing phase. I am at a cross road on what to tackle next.

Message System
Adding Unit Types (Swordsmen, Archers, Spearmen, Axemen, Lancers)
Ruses (Spy, Pillage, Riot, Arson, Assassinate)
Weather Effects (floods, droughts, earthquakes)
Special Units (Swarm, Leviathan, Dune Worm, Giant Spider, Dragon)
Walls (ones built on the map and not in cities)
I had a family emergency so I was not able to complete the work I intended.
Pbcrazy Wrote:heh, seems im back to doing graphic work again Smile

anyway, my first task so far, a new GUI (all testers know how bad LoA needs it)

[Image: guiv2bpre.png]

I like the font (I think), but take off the stroke or the shadow. Something's making it blurry, and since its a .png, I don't think it's the picture quality. The font would look way better if it was nice and sharp, I think.
The font looks pixelated, where as the gui is smooth. It doesn't mix.
yes yes i know, im working on it, however the last few days have been very hectic with school and i haven't gotten much done.

i'll see about getting it fixed in a few hours, i've got homework right now though.
alright, here ya go, still a pixelish font, but i tried to make it crispier (now kinda makes me want to eat it, if it wasn't so green >.>)
I would definitely take an offer if Vans gave me one.
There is something about the text that looks fuzzy / blured. Not too sure if it's the glow effect you have or whether or not it's the type of font.
Are you using photoshop, if you are try setting the Anti-Aliasing to None. It will make it a sharper shape.
aye, i was using photoshop, i can't really tell any difference on the fuzzyness, but then again my eye sight is a bit bad so it could just be that everything seems a bit blurry to me lol!

anyway, messed with the anti-aliasing stuff, tell me how this works.

Tony Wrote:I would definitely take an offer if Vans gave me one.

wow thanks :roll:
Well the anti-aliasing has stopped it looking so fuzzy. It works by blending the edges of the text to give it a smooth finish. When using Pixel fonts though it cant cause the text to look a bit silly.
It looks better in my opinion but some of the letters have come out a bit thin in places.
Try downloading a new font from they have a large collection if you have not seen it already.
I use alot of their fonts and I'm pretty sure half the community here has used them too. Tongue
lol thats where it was from xD

i'll look for another one
I don't like it, tbh. Not a single part of it.
meh, i've generally learned to ignore what you think Tongue
Pbcrazy Wrote:meh, i've generally learned to ignore what you think Tongue

Yeah, it's convenient right now, since I don't care for your gui. I'm not sayin' I can do better, just sayin' I don't like it.
meh, i suppose its all about what Shaded wants... so we could both be at fault here.

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