Dragoons Master
I'm going to make a new ban system, but I got stuck in a little point. Does it makes any sense banning the char and not the account?
This system will be time based, so you can ban the guy for any amount of time(thanks to Linux time

They can just create another account, since the game is free, so it doesn't really make a difference. Banning a character would allow them to still play the other characters on the account.
Dragoons Master
Matt Wrote:They can just create another account, since the game is free, so it doesn't really make a difference. Banning a character would allow them to still play the other characters on the account.
This system will ban the for a defined amount of time, like... 1 month, one hours, 1 minute or anything like this. You can also ban by HDSerial and/or IP, and anyone of this you can make permanent.
This is already done...except without the time based part (which is easy to do).
Dragoons Master
I'm using linux time ^^
It just rlz =D
So drunk...
What're reasons to temporary ban someone? Mainly abusing chat. So letting them go onto a diff char is silly.