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Doing pixel art for programming
Will do pixel art in exchange for programming help.
Can do minium art like this [Image: samplen.png]
up to the higher quality stuff which I keep top secret for now >_> Tongue
Darkmacer Wrote:Will do pixel art in exchange for programming help.
Can do minium art like this [Image: samplen.png]
up to the higher quality stuff which I keep top secret for now >_> Tongue

Where'd you come from? You've MIA for ages. Haven't seen you around since *I* lived in Westland..
just dont post alot
Can you post more examples of your work? I might have a proposition for you if you're any good.
GIAKEN Wrote:Can you post more examples of your work? I might have a proposition for you if you're any good.

He's black.
Matt Wrote:
GIAKEN Wrote:Can you post more examples of your work? I might have a proposition for you if you're any good.

He's black.


Trying to get me some sex.
Matt Wrote:
GIAKEN Wrote:Can you post more examples of your work? I might have a proposition for you if you're any good.

He's black.


Trying to get me some sex.

I wasn't talkin' about you. You're a fat white guy. Big Grin Darky is black.
Matt Wrote:
Matt Wrote:
GIAKEN Wrote:Can you post more examples of your work? I might have a proposition for you if you're any good.

He's black.


Trying to get me some sex.

I wasn't talkin' about you. You're a fat white guy. Big Grin Darky is black.

OH FUCK. I betta' get the fuck outta' here.
Isnt matt black anyway?
xp79 Wrote:Isnt matt black anyway?

Matt2 is black.
Matt Wrote:
xp79 Wrote:Isnt matt black anyway?

Matt2 is black.

lol suuure
It's lost it's humor.
This community has lost its humor :S
Mithlomion Wrote:This community has lost its humor :S

Pretty much. This community is pointless for the most part. We support a decent engine written in a dead language and most people around here act elitist when it comes to helping new people. So, we end up getting no new people.

It's slowly dying off and I don't give it but maybe 6 months before everyone's done here. Lol.
Matt Wrote:Pretty much. This community is pointless for the most part. We support a decent engine written in a dead language and most people around here act elitist when it comes to helping new people. So, we end up getting no new people.
It's slowly dying off and I don't give it but maybe 6 months before everyone's done here. Lol.

I could not agree with you enough,

Everyone around here is so easy to knock peoples code,
and very few people here are actually genuinely willing to help someone.
I know. I offered money and my graphic skills for people to code my game. No one is helping.
Egon Wrote:I know. I offered money and my graphic skills for people to code my game. No one is helping.
You have a game!!!!!
Big Grin
Egon Wrote:I know. I offered money and my graphic skills for people to code my game. No one is helping.

I'd do it for free if I had an understanding of your game. Lol.
GIAKEN got to me first.

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