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Router Help
Im currently using a Linksys router and im trying to get the port forwarding and what not to let the server for one of my games im tying to host work.
Other players cannot connect to he server..
What ports and what not should i be allowing through?
I would probably start with the port I use for my game and what not.
check in your code i forgot where it is, but its in one of the modules. then just put that into the port forwarding. it will be Whatevertheportis To Whatevertheportis. then just put both when it asks for TCP UDP. and then put whatever your 192.168.whatever IP is when you use IPCONFIG. then check your main page for the external IP it will have it labeled. you just give your external IP and the port to your friends and your good to go. lol hope that helps.
I have all my port forwarding correct but people still cant connect.
i turnd off my firewall and everything..
Then you didn't do it correct.

Check the IP and Port and make sure you use TCP UDP.
its using both
[Image: picturejh6.png]
How can i change this?
I'm not familiar with GUI router configurations, so I'm not quite sure.

192.168.x.x is a private IP address used with routers. To connect to the internet itself it still goes through your WAN IP. The difference between the 1 and 0 for the first x is just like... a sub-network. You can't use broadcast addresses nor network addresses (255s and 0s unless you handle subnetting, in which case there would be more but you would get more use out of your network... but for a personal network I doubt you have need to subnet), but everything else really is fair game.

As for why mirage doesn't like the 192.168.1.x, I'm not quite sure. :S


You -may- need to set a demilitarized zone (DMZ) depending on how your network security is looking. Avoiding problems is preferred, but if you want players on easily it's a quick solution.
Ok ill look into that
whats a "What you said"

And i still have trouble with ohers ocnnecting
Google Search Wrote:DD-WRT :: News
DD-WRT is free Linux-based firmware for several wireless routers, most notably the Linksys WRT54G (including the WRT54GL and WRT54GS) and Buffalo WHR-G54s ... - 17k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this

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